unshield -VERSION (return code: 0)
Unshield version 1.4. Copyright (C) 2003-2013 David Eriksson.
unshield -HELP (return code: 1)
unshield: invalid option -- '-'
unshield [-c COMPONENT] [-d DIRECTORY] [-D LEVEL] [-g GROUP] [-i VERSION] [-e ENCODING] [-GhlOrV] c|g|l|t|x CABFILE [FILENAME...]
-c COMPONENT Only list/extract this component
-d DIRECTORY Extract files to DIRECTORY
-D LEVEL Set debug log level
0 - No logging (default)
1 - Errors only
2 - Errors and warnings
3 - Errors, warnings and debug messages
-g GROUP Only list/extract this file group
-h Show this help message
-i VERSION Force InstallShield version number (don't autodetect)
-e ENCODING Convert filename character encoding to local codepage from ENCODING (implicitly sets -R)
-j Junk paths (do not make directories)
-L Make file and directory names lowercase
-O Use old compression
-r Save raw data (do not decompress)
-R Don't do any conversion to file and directory names when extracting.
-V Print copyright and version information
c List components
g List file groups
l List files
t Test files
x Extract files
CABFILE The file to list or extract contents of
FILENAME... Optionally specify names of specific files to extract (wildcards are supported)