unity-webapps-runner -V (return code: -5)
** (unity-webapps-runner:31625): CRITICAL **: Failed to open session bus! Error spawning command line 'dbus-launch --autolaunch=4be29abb705c463f947f82aed4bd7d94 --binary-syntax --close-stderr': Child process exited with code 1
** (unity-webapps-runner:31625): ERROR **: Invalid or missing 'domain' or 'name' fields:
unity-webapps-runner [OPTION...] - Activate Unity WebApps
Launches a standalone webapp given a domain and a name (e.g. "unity-webapps-runner -n 'VHdpdHRlcgA=' -d 'twitter.com'").
Help Options:
-?, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-n, --name Application name (base64 encoded)
-d, --domain Application domain
-a, --amazon Launch amazon (with geoclue store selection)
-h, --homepage Launch a webapp directly from its homepage
-i, --app-id Launch a webapp with a specific APP_ID
-c, --chrome Launch a webapp in default browser
-u, --urlPatterns Add url coma separated patterns to the list that filters allowed urls for container navigation
-s, --store-session-cookies Store the session cookies in the cookie jar
unity-webapps-runner --help (return code: 0)
unity-webapps-runner [OPTION...] - Activate Unity WebApps
Launches a standalone webapp given a domain and a name (e.g. "unity-webapps-runner -n 'VHdpdHRlcgA=' -d 'twitter.com'").
Help Options:
-?, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-n, --name Application name (base64 encoded)
-d, --domain Application domain
-a, --amazon Launch amazon (with geoclue store selection)
-h, --homepage Launch a webapp directly from its homepage
-i, --app-id Launch a webapp with a specific APP_ID
-c, --chrome Launch a webapp in default browser
-u, --urlPatterns Add url coma separated patterns to the list that filters allowed urls for container navigation
-s, --store-session-cookies Store the session cookies in the cookie jar