ucf -V (return code: 1)
ucf: unrecognized option '--version'
ucf --help (return code: 0)
Debian GNU/Linux ucf Revision: 3.00 .
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Manoj Srivastava.
This is free software; see the GNU General Public Licence for copying
conditions. There is NO warranty.
Usage: ucf [options] new_file destination
-h, --help print this message
-s foo, --src-dir foo Set the src dir (historical md5sums live here)
--sum-file bar Force the historical md5sums to be read from
this file. Overrides any setting of --src-dir.
-d[n], --debug=[n] Set the Debug level to N. Please note there must
be no spaces before the debug level
-n, --no-action Dry run. No action is actually taken.
-v, --verbose Make the script verbose
--three-way Register this file in the cache, and turn on the
diff3 option allowing the merging of maintainer
changes into a (potentially modified) local
configuration file. )
--state-dir bar Set the state directory to bar instead of the
default '/var/lib/ucf'. Used mostly for testing.
--debconf-ok Indicate that it is ok for ucf to use an already
running debconf instance for prompting.
--debconf-template bar
Specify an alternate, caller-provided debconf
template to use for prompting.
Usage: ucf -p destination
-p, --purge Remove any reference to destination from records
By default, the directory the new_file lives in is assumed to be the src-dir,
which is where we look for any historical md5sums.