ttree --help (return code: 0)
ttree 2.9 (Template Toolkit version 2.24)
usage: ttree [options] [files]
-a (--all) Process all files, regardless of modification
-r (--recurse) Recurse into sub-directories
-p (--preserve) Preserve file ownership and permission
-n (--nothing) Do nothing, just print summary (enables -v)
-v (--verbose) Verbose mode. Use twice for more verbosity: -v -v
-h (--help) This help
-s DIR (--src=DIR) Source directory
-d DIR (--dest=DIR) Destination directory
-c DIR (--cfg=DIR) Location of configuration files
-l DIR (--lib=DIR) Library directory (INCLUDE_PATH) (multiple)
-f FILE (--file=FILE) Read named configuration file (multiple)
Display options:
--colour / --color Enable colo(u)rful verbose output.
--summary Show processing summary.
File search specifications (all may appear multiple times):
--ignore=REGEX Ignore files matching REGEX
--copy=REGEX Copy files matching REGEX
--accept=REGEX Process only files matching REGEX
File Dependencies Options:
--depend foo=bar,baz Specify that 'foo' depends on 'bar' and 'baz'.
--depend_file FILE Read file dependancies from FILE.
--depend_debug Enable debugging for dependencies
File suffix rewriting (may appear multiple times)
--suffix old=new Change any '.old' suffix to '.new'
File encoding options
--binmode=value Set binary mode of output files
--encoding=value Set encoding of input files
Additional options to set Template Toolkit configuration items:
--define var=value Define template variable
--interpolate Interpolate '$var' references in text
--anycase Accept directive keywords in any case.
--pre_chomp Chomp leading whitespace
--post_chomp Chomp trailing whitespace
--trim Trim blank lines around template blocks
--eval_perl Evaluate [% PERL %] ... [% END %] code blocks
--load_perl Load regular Perl modules via USE directive
--absolute Enable the ABSOLUTE option
--relative Enable the RELATIVE option
--pre_process=TEMPLATE Process TEMPLATE before each main template
--post_process=TEMPLATE Process TEMPLATE after each main template
--process=TEMPLATE Process TEMPLATE instead of main template
--wrapper=TEMPLATE Process TEMPLATE wrapper around main template
--default=TEMPLATE Use TEMPLATE as default
--error=TEMPLATE Use TEMPLATE to handle errors
--debug=STRING Set TT DEBUG option to STRING
--start_tag=STRING STRING defines start of directive tag
--end_tag=STRING STRING defined end of directive tag
--tag_style=STYLE Use pre-defined tag STYLE
--plugin_base=PACKAGE Base PACKAGE for plugins
--compile_ext=STRING File extension for compiled template files
--compile_dir=DIR Directory for compiled template files
--perl5lib=DIR Specify additional Perl library directories
--template_module=MODULE Specify alternate Template module
See 'perldoc ttree' for further information.