transcode -V (return code: 1)
transcode v1.1.7 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2010 Transcode Team
transcode -HELP (return code: 1)
transcode v1.1.7 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2010 Transcode Team
Usage: transcode [options...]
-h/--help print this usage message and exit
-v/--version print version and exit
-q/--verbose level verbosity (0=quiet,1=info,2=debug) [1]
======== Input, output, and control files ========
-i/--input file input file/directory/device/mountpoint name
--multi_input enable EXPERIMENTAL multiple input mode (see
-o/--output file output file name
--avi_limit size split output AVI file after "size" MB [2048]
--avi_comments file read AVI header comments from file [off]
-t/--split n,base split output to base%03d.avi with n frames
-p/--audio_input file read audio stream from separate file [off]
-m/--audio_output file write audio stream to separate file [off]
--nav_seek file use VOB navigation file [off]
--socket file socket file for run-time control [off]
--write_pid file write pid of transcode process to "file" [off]
--config_dir dir assume config files are in this dir [off]
======== Input stream selection ========
-a/--extract_track a[,v] extract audio[,video] track [0,0]
-c/--frames f1-f2[,f3-f4...] encode only given range (frames or HH:MM:SS),
f2,f4,... are *not* encoded [all]
--frame_interval N select only every Nth frame to be exported [1]
-T/--title t[,c[-d][,a]] select DVD title[,chapters[,angle]] [1,all,1]
-S/--psu unit[,s1-s2] process program stream unit[,s1-s2] sequences
-L/--vob_seek N seek to VOB stream offset Nx2kB [0]
--ts_pid 0xNN transport video stream pid [0]
======== Input stream format options ========
-H/--probe n auto-probe n MB of source (0=off) [1]
--mplayer_probe use (external) mplayer to probe source [off]
-x/--import_with vmod[,amod] video[,audio] import modules [null]
-g/--frame_size WxH video frame size [720x576]
--import_asr C set import display aspect ratio code C [auto]
-f/--import_fps rate[,frc] input video frame rate[,frc] [25.000,0]
--hard_fps disable smooth dropping (for variable fps
clips) [enabled]
-e/--import_afmt r[,b[,c]] import audio sample format [48000,16,2]
-n/--import_codec 0xNN import audio codec ID [0x2000]
--no_audio_adjust disable audio frame size adjustment [enabled]
======== Output stream format options ========
--export_prof profile export profile:
-y/--export_with vm[,am[,mm]] video[,audio[,mplex]] export modules [null]
-F/--export_param string encoder parameter strings [module dependent]
-N/--export_codec format export audio codec [mp3]
-R/--multipass N[,vf[,af]] enable multi-pass encoding (0-3)
-w/--vbitrate r[,k[,c]] encoder bitrate[,keyframes[,crispness]]
--video_max_bitrate r maximum bitrate when encoding variable bitrate
MPEG-2 streams [same as -w]
--export_fps f[,c] output video frame rate[,code] [as input]
--export_frc C set export frame rate code C independently of
actual frame rate [derived from export FPS]
--export_asr C set export display aspect ratio code C [as
--export_par {C | N,D} set export pixel aspect ratio [auto]
--encode_fields C enable field-based encoding if supported [off]
C can be t (top-first), b (bottom-first),
p (progressive), u (unknown)
--pulldown set MPEG 3:2 pulldown flags on export [off]
-b/--abitrate r[,v[,q[,m]]] audio encoder bitrate
kBits/s[,vbr[,quality[,mode]]] [128,0,5,0]
-E/--export_afmt r[,b[,c]] audio output samplerate, bits, channels [as
======== Video processing options ========
--pre_clip t[,l[,b[,r]]] select initial frame region by clipping [off]
-j/--im_clip t[,l[,b[,r]]] clip or add frame border before filters [off]
-I/--deinterlace mode deinterlace video using given mode (1-5) [off]
-X/--expand n[,m[,M]] expand to height+n*M rows, width+m*M columns
-B/--shrink n[,m[,M]] shrink to height-n*M rows, width-m*M columns
-Z/--zoom [W]x[H][,mode] resize to W columns, H rows w/filtering [off]
--zoom_filter filter use given filter for -Z resizing [Lanczos3]
-Y/--ex_clip t[,l[,b[,r]]] clip or add frame border after filters [off]
-r/--reduce n[,m] reduce video height/width by n[,m] [off]
-z/--flip flip video frame upside down [off]
-l/--mirror mirror video frame [off]
-k/--swap_colors swap red/blue (Cb/Cr) in video frame [off]
-K/--grayscale enable grayscale mode [off]
-G/--gamma val gamma correction (0.0-10.0) [off]
-C/--antialias mode enable anti-aliasing mode (1-3) [off]
--antialias_para w,b center pixel weight, xy-bias [0.333,0.500]
--post_clip t[,l[,b[,r]]] select final frame region by clipping [off]
-V/--video_format fmt select internal video format [yuv420p]
one of: yuv420p, yuv422p, rgb24
--keep_asr try to keep aspect ratio (broken)
======== Audio processing options ========
-d/--audio_swap swap bytes in audio stream [off]
-s/--audio_scale g[,c,f,r] scale volume by gain[,center,front,rear]
-A/--audio_use_ac3 use AC3 as internal audio codec [off]
======== Other processing options ========
-J/--filter f1[,f2...] apply external audio/video filters [none]
-Q/--quality enc[,dec] encoding[,decoding] quality (0=fastest-5=best)
-P/--passthrough flag pass-through flag (0=off|1=V|2=A|3=A+V) [0]
-D/--sync_frame N sync video start with audio frame num [0]
--av_fine_ms time AV fine-tuning shift in millisecs [autodetect]
-M/--demuxer_sync N demuxer PES AV sync mode
(0=off|1=PTS only|2=full) [1]
======== Codec-specific options ========
--dv_yv12_mode (libdv) force YV12 mode for PAL
Use this option if transcode autodetection
fails, with DV video.
--dv_yuy2_mode (libdv) use YUY2 mode for PAL [YV12]
If you experience crashes decoding DV
video, try this option.
--quantizers min,max min/max quantizer, for MPEG-like codecs [2,31]
--divx_quant min,max (DivX) min/max quantizer (deprecated) [2,31]
--divx_rc p,rp,rr (DivX) rate control parameter [2000,10,20]
--divx_vbv_prof N (DivX) VBV profile (0=free-5=hiqhq) [3]
--divx_vbv br,sz,oc (DivX) VBV params (bitrate,size,occupancy)
--lame_preset N[,fast] (LAME) use preset named N [off]
--no_bitreservoir (LAME) disable bitreservoir [off]
-O/--encoder_noflush avoid to flush buffer(s) on encoder stop
--a52_demux (liba52) demux AC3/A52 to separate channels
--a52_drc_off (liba52) disable dynamic range compression
--a52_dolby_off (liba52) disable Dolby surround [enabled]
======== Cluster/PSU/chapter mode processing ========
-W/--autosplit n,m[,file] autosplit VOB and process part n of m [off]
--cluster_percentage use percentage mode for cluster encoding [off]
--cluster_chunks a-b process chunk range instead of selected chunk
--psu_mode process VOB in PSU, -o is a filemask incl. %d
--psu_chunks a-b process only units a-b for PSU mode [all]
--no_split encode to single file in chapter/psu mode
-U/--chapter_mode base process DVD in chapter mode to base-ch%02d.avi
======== Miscellaneous options ========
--log_no_color disable colors in log messages [use colors]
-u/--buffers N use N framebuffers for AV processing [10]
--threads N use N threads for AV processing [1]
--progress_meter N select type of progress meter [1]
--progress_rate N print progress every N frames [1]
--nice N set niceness to N [off]
--accel type[,type...] override CPU acceleration flags (for
use tcmodinfo to discover module properties and configurable options.