togeomview -V (return code: 1)
Usage: togeomview [-c] [-g] [-ps[un|in[6]]] [PIPENAME|HOST:PORT [GVPROG ARGS...]]
Sends lisp-style commands or (with "-g") OOGL geometry data to Geomview
(or the program specified by "GVPROG"). The transport channel is a
named pipe ("-p" switch, default, except on the NeXT), a Unix domain
("-s[un]" switch, default on the NeXT), or a TCP socket, either with the
IPv4 or IPv6 protocol ("in[6]" switch). For "-p" and "-s" a socket
or FIFO special file as given by "PIPENAME" is created in
"/tmp/geomview/". The default pipename is "OOGL". A copy of Geomview
or "GVPROG" is started if none listening on the chosen transport medium
is yet running. For TCP sockets this is done only when "HOST" refers to
the loopback device.
echo '(geometry fred <' | togeomview sam
togeomview -g <
cat my_geomview_script | togeomview bob gv -wpos 300x300@500,500
togeomview --help (return code: 1)
Usage: togeomview [-c] [-g] [-ps[un|in[6]]] [PIPENAME|HOST:PORT [GVPROG ARGS...]]
Sends lisp-style commands or (with "-g") OOGL geometry data to Geomview
(or the program specified by "GVPROG"). The transport channel is a
named pipe ("-p" switch, default, except on the NeXT), a Unix domain
("-s[un]" switch, default on the NeXT), or a TCP socket, either with the
IPv4 or IPv6 protocol ("in[6]" switch). For "-p" and "-s" a socket
or FIFO special file as given by "PIPENAME" is created in
"/tmp/geomview/". The default pipename is "OOGL". A copy of Geomview
or "GVPROG" is started if none listening on the chosen transport medium
is yet running. For TCP sockets this is done only when "HOST" refers to
the loopback device.
echo '(geometry fred <' | togeomview sam
togeomview -g <
cat my_geomview_script | togeomview bob gv -wpos 300x300@500,500