thermald --version (return code: 0)
thermald --help (return code: 0)
thermald [OPTION...]
Thermal daemon monitors temperature sensors and decides the best action based on the temperature readings and user preferences.
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
Application Options:
--version Print thermald version and exit
--no-daemon Don't become a daemon: Default is daemon mode
--loglevel=info log severity: info level and up
--loglevel=debug log severity: debug level and up: Max logging
--test-mode Test Mode only: Allow non root user
--poll-interval Poll interval in seconds: Poll for zone temperature changes. If want to disable polling set to zero.
--dbus-enable Enable Dbus.
--exclusive-control Take over thermal control from kernel thermal driver.
--ignore-cpuid-check Ignore CPU ID check.
--config-file configuration file