texcount --version (return code: 0)
TeXcount version 3.0, 2013 Jul 29.
texcount --help (return code: 0)
* TeXcount version 3.0, 2013 Jul 29
Count words in TeX and LaTeX files, ignoring macros, tables, formulae, etc.
Syntax: texcount.pl [options] files
-relaxed Uses relaxed rules for word and option handling: i.e. allows
more general cases to be counted as either words or macros.
-restricted Restricts the rules for word and option handling.
-v Verbose (same as -v3).
-v0 Do not present parsing details.
-v1 Verbose: print parsed words, mark formulae.
-v2 More verbose: also print ignored text.
-v3 Even more verbose: include comments and options.
-v4 Same as -v3 -showstate.
-v=, v0=, ..., -v4= Set verbosity by adding/removing particular types
of token (styles) to include in the verbose output. Use
-help-style to get details of which tokens are included in
each style, and of classes of tokens (style categories).
-showstate Show internal states (with verbose).
-brief Only prints a brief, one line summary of counts.
-q, -quiet Quiet mode, no error messages. Use is discouraged!
-strict Strict mode, warns against begin-end groups for which rule are
not defined.
-sum, -sum= Make sum of all word and equation counts. May also use
-sum=#[,#] with up to 7 numbers to indicate how each of the
counts (text words, header words, caption words, #headers,
#floats, #inlined formulae, #displayed formulae) are summed.
The default sum (if only -sum is used) is the same as
-nosum Do not compute sum.
-sub, -sub= Generate subcounts. Option values are none, part, chapter,
section or subsection. Default (-sub) is set to subsection,
whereas unset is none. (Alternative option name is -subcount.)
-nosub Do not generate subcounts.
-col Use ANSI colours in text output.
-nc, -nocol No colours (colours require ANSI).
-nosep, -noseparator No separating character/string added after each
word (default).
-sep=, -separator= Separating character or string to be added after
each word.
-html Output in HTML format.
-htmlcore Only HTML body contents.
-htmlfile= HTML template file to use with the -html option. Use <!--
TeXcode --> to indicate where the output from TeXcount should
be inserted.
-tex Encode TeX special characters for output into TeX code
-cssfile= CSS file to include instead of default styles.
-css= CSS href to include instead of default styles. Can use
-css=file:{filename} instead of -cssfile={filename}.
-opt=, -optionfile= Read options/parameters from file.
- Read LaTeX code from STDIN.
-inc Parse included TeX files (as separate file).
-merge Merge included TeX files into code (in place).
-noinc Do not include included tex files (default).
-incbib Include bibliography in count, include bbl file if needed.
-nobib Do not include bibliography in count (default).
-incpackage= Include rules for the given package.
-total Do not give sums per file, only total sum.
-1 Same as -brief and -total. Ensures there is only one line of
output. If used in conjunction with -sum, the output will only
be the total number. (NB: Character is the number one, not the
letter L.)
-template= Speficy an output template. Use {1},...,{7}, {SUM} and
{TITLE} to include values, {1?...?1} etc. to conditionally
include sections, {1?....|...?1} etc. to specify an
alternative text if zero. To include subcounts, use
{SUB?...?SUB} where ... is replaced with the template to use
per subcount. Line shift may be specified using \\n.
-dir, -dir= Specify the working directory using -dir=path. Remember
that the path must end with \\ or /. If only -dir is used, the
directory of the provided file is used and paths (e.g.
included files) are assumed to be absolute or relative to
this. The default at startup is -dir=. which means that the
directory from which TeXcount is run is the working directory
with all paths absolute or relative to this.
-auxdir, -auxdir= Specify directory for auxilary files, e.g. the
bibliograph (.bbl) file. If only -auxdir is used, the working
directory (as determined by -dir or -dir=) is assumed. If
-auxdir= is used with -dir=, it sets the path to the auxilary
directiry. If -auxdir= is used with -dir, the working
directory is determined from the location of the provided
file, and the path to the auxilary directory is assumed to be
absolute or relative to this.
-enc=, -encoding= Specify encoding (default is to guess the encoding).
-utf8, -unicode Selects Unicode (UTF-8) for input and output. This is
automatic with -chinese, and is required to handle e.g. Korean
text. Note that the TeX file must be save in UTF-8 format (not
e.g. GB2312 or Big5), or the result will be unpredictable.
-alpha=, -alphabets= List of Unicode character groups (or digit,
alphabetic) permitted as letters. Names are separated by ','
or '+'. If list starts with '+', the alphabets will be added
to those already included. The default is Digit+alphabetic.
-logo=, -logograms= List of Unicode character groups interpreted as
whole word characters, e.g. Han for Chinese characters. Names
are separated by ',' or '+'. If list starts with '+', the
alphabets will be added to those already included. By default,
this is set to include Ideographic, Katakana, Hiragana, Thai
and Lao.
-ch, -chinese, -zhongwen Turns on support for Chinese characters.
TeXcount will then count each Chinese character as a word.
-jp, -japanese Turns on support for Japanese characters. TeXcount will
count each Japanese character (kanji, hiragana, and katakana)
as one word, i.e. not do any form of word segmentation.
-kr, -korean Turns on support for Korean. This will count hangul and
han characters, i.e. with no word separation. NB:
-kr-words, -korean-words Turns on support for Korean words, i.e. hangul
words separated by characters. Han characters are still
counted as characters. NB: Experimental!
-ch-only, ..., -korean-words-only As options -chinese, ...,
-korean-words, but also excludes letter-based words or trims
down the character set to the minimum.
-char, -character, -letters Counts letters/characters instead of words.
Note that spaces and punctuation is not counted.
-char-only, ..., -letters-only Like -letters, but counts alphabetic
letters only.
-countall, -count-all The default setting in which all characters are
included as either alphabets og logograms.
-freq, -freq= Produce individual word frequency table. Optionally give
minimal number of occurences to be listed.
-stat Produce statistics on language/script usage.
-macrostat, -macrofreq Print macro usage statistics.
-codes Display output style code overview and explanation. This is on
by default.
-nocodes Do not display output style code overview.
-out= Write output to file, give filename as option value.
-h, -?, -help, /? Help text.
-h=, -?=, -help=, /?= Takes a macro or group name as option and returns
a description of the rules for handling this if any are
defined. If handling rule is package specific, use
-incpackage=package name: -incpackage must come before -h= on
the command line to take effect.
-help-options, -h-opt List all options.
-help-options=, -h-opt= List all options containing the provided
string, e.g. -h-opt=dir or -h-opt=-v (the initial - in -v
causes only options starting with v to be listed).
-help-style List the styles and style categories: i.e. those permitted
used with -v={styles-list}.
-help-style= Give description of style or style category.
-ver, -version Print version number.
-lic, -license, -licence Licence information.
The script counts words as either words in the text, words in
headers/titles or words in floats (figure/table captions). Macro options
(i.e. \\macro[...]) are ignored; macro parameters (i.e. \\macro{...}) are
counted or ignored depending on the macro, but by default counted.
Begin-end groups are by default ignored and treated as 'floats', though
some (e.g. center) are counted.
Mathematical formulae are not counted as words, but are instead counted
separately with separate counts for inlined formulae and displayed
formulae. Similarly, the number of headers and the number of 'floats' are
counted. Note that 'float' is used here to describe anything defined in a
begin-end group unless explicitly recognized as text or mathematics.
The verbose options (-v1, -v2, -v3, showstate) produces output indicating
how the text has been interpreted. Check this to ensure that words in the
text has been interpreted as such, whereas mathematical formulae and
text/non-text in begin-end groups have been correctly interpreted.
Summary, as well as the verbose output, may be produced as text (default)
or as HTML code using the -html option. The HTML may then be sent to file
which may be viewed with you favourite browser.
Under UNIX, unless -nocol (or -nc) has been specified, the output will be
colour coded using ANSI colour codes. Counted text is coloured blue with
headers are in bold and in HTML output caption text is italicised. Use
'less -r' instead of just 'less' to view output: the '-r' option makes less
treat text formating codes properly. Windows does not support ANSI colour
codes, and so this is turned off by default.
Parsing instructions may be passed to TeXcount using comments in the LaTeX
files on the format
%TC:instruction arguments
and are used to control how TeXcount parses the document. The following
instructions are used to set parsing rules which will apply to all
subsequent parsing (including other files):
%TC:macro [macro] [param.states]
macro handling rule, no. of and rules for parameters
%TC:macroword [macro] [number]
macro counted as a given number of words
%TC:header [macro] [param.states]
header macro rule, as macro but counts as one header
%TC:breakmacro [macro] [label]
macro causing subcount break point
%TC:group [name] [param.states] [content-state]
begin-end-group handling rule
%TC:floatinclude [macro] [param.states]
as macro, but also counted inside floats
%TC:preambleinclude [macro] [param.states]
as macro, but also counted inside the preamble
%TC:fileinclue [macro] [rule]
file include, add .tex if rule=2, not if rule=0, if missing when
The [param.states] is used to indicate the number of parameters used by the
macro and the rules of handling each of these: the format is [#,#,...,#]
with # representing one number for each parameter giving the parsing state
to use for that parameter, alternatively just a single number (#)
indicating how many parameters to ignore (parsing state 0). The option
[content-state] is used to give the parsing state to use for the contents
of a begin-end group. The main parsing states are 0 to ignore and 1 to
count as text.
Parsing instructions which may be used anywhere are:
%TC:break [title] add subcount break point here
%TC:incbib include bibliography (same as running with
%TC:ignore ignore region, end with %TC:endignore
%TC:insert [code] insert code for TeXcount to process as TeX code
%TC:newtemplate start a new template, ie delete the existing
%TC:template [template] add another line to the template specification
See the documentation for more details.
Command line options and most %TC commands (prefixed by % rather than %TC:)
may be placed in an options file. This is particularly useful for defining
your own output templates and macro handling rules.
The TeXcount script is copyright of Einar Andreas Rodland (2008-2013) and
published under the LaTeX Project Public Licence.
Go to the TeXcount web page
for more information about the script, e.g. news, updates, help, usage
tips, known issues and short-comings, or to access the script as a web
application. Feedback such as problems or errors can be reported to