tex2lyx --version (return code: 0)
tex2lyx 2.1.4 (2015-07-24)
Built on Sep 18 2015, 17:18:03
Host type: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Special build flags: build=release warnings use-enchant
C++ Compiler: g++ (5.2.1)
C++ Compiler LyX flags:
C++ Compiler flags: -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security
Linker flags:
Linker user flags: -Wl,-z,defs -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro
Qt 4 Frontend:
Qt 4 version: 4.8.6
Packaging: posix
LyX binary dir: /usr/bin
LyX files dir: /usr/share/lyx
tex2lyx --help (return code: 0)
Usage: tex2lyx [options] infile.tex [outfile.lyx]
-c textclass Declare the textclass.
-m mod1[,mod2...] Load the given modules.
-copyfiles Copy all included files to the directory of outfile.lyx.
-e encoding Set the default encoding (latex name).
-fixedenc encoding Like -e, but ignore encoding changing commands while parsing.
-f Force overwrite of .lyx files.
-help Print this message and quit.
-n translate literate programming (noweb, sweave,... ) file.
-skipchildren Do not translate included child documents.
-roundtrip re-export created .lyx file infile.lyx.lyx to infile.lyx.tex.
-s syntaxfile read additional syntax file.
-sysdir SYSDIR Set system directory to SYSDIR.
Default: /usr/share/lyx/
-userdir USERDIR Set user directory to USERDIR.
Default: /home/samuel/.lyx/
-version Summarize version and build info.
The program searches for the files "encodings", "lyxmodules.lst",
"textclass.lst", "syntax.default", and "unicodesymbols", first in
"USERDIR", then in "SYSDIR". The subdirectories "USERDIR/layouts"
and "SYSDIR/layouts" are searched for layout and module files.
Check the tex2lyx man page for more details.