tagmp3 -v (return code: 0)
tagmp3 version 1.3.1
Copyleft 2001 Laurent Alacoque <laureck@users.sourceforge.net>
updates, bugs, patch, money : http://mpgtx.sourceforge.net
tagmp3 -h (return code: 0)
tagmp3 an ID3v1 tag editor
Usage : tagmp3 [-n] [-v] [set|move|del|list|show] [FORMAT] [file...]
-v prints version information
set sets ID3v1 tag according to FORMAT
move moves mp3 file according to the FORMAT
del removes ID3v1 tag from file (if any)
list lists known music genres along with their numeric values
for set mode : "%Y? %X:VALUE ..." sets the X field of tag
with VALUE and asks for the value of Y field
for move mode : "mymp3/%X/%Y/%Z.mp3" move file to
valid fields are : %A artist %t title %T track %y year
%a album %c comment %g genre