synthread -V (return code: 1)
Synthetic device model test chart reader - Version 1.8.3
Author: Graeme W. Gill, licensed under the AGPL Version 3
Error 'Unrecognised flag'
usage: synthread [-v] [-s] [separation.icm] profile.[icc|mpp|ti3] outfile
-v Verbose mode
-p Use separation profile
-l Construct and output in Lab rather than XYZ
-i p1,p2,p3, Set input channel curve powers (default 1.0)
-k x1:y1,x2:y2,x3:y2 Set input channel inflection points (default 0.5,0.5)
-o p1,p2,p3, Set output channel curve powers (default 1.0)
-r level Add average random deviation of <level>% to input device values (after sep.)
-R level Add average random deviation of <level>% to output PCS values
-u Make random deviations have uniform distributions rather than normal
-b L,a,b Scale black point to target Lab value
[separation.icm] Device link separation profile
profile.[icc|mpp|ti3] ICC, MPP profile or TI3 to use
outfile Base name for input[ti1]/output[ti3] file
synthread -HELP (return code: 1)
Synthetic device model test chart reader - Version 1.8.3
Author: Graeme W. Gill, licensed under the AGPL Version 3
Error 'Unrecognised flag'
usage: synthread [-v] [-s] [separation.icm] profile.[icc|mpp|ti3] outfile
-v Verbose mode
-p Use separation profile
-l Construct and output in Lab rather than XYZ
-i p1,p2,p3, Set input channel curve powers (default 1.0)
-k x1:y1,x2:y2,x3:y2 Set input channel inflection points (default 0.5,0.5)
-o p1,p2,p3, Set output channel curve powers (default 1.0)
-r level Add average random deviation of <level>% to input device values (after sep.)
-R level Add average random deviation of <level>% to output PCS values
-u Make random deviations have uniform distributions rather than normal
-b L,a,b Scale black point to target Lab value
[separation.icm] Device link separation profile
profile.[icc|mpp|ti3] ICC, MPP profile or TI3 to use
outfile Base name for input[ti1]/output[ti3] file