swfrender --version (return code: 0)
swfrender - part of swftools 0.9.2+git20130725
swfrender --help (return code: 1)
Usage: swfrender file.swf [-options]
-h , --help Print short help message and exit
-l , --legacy Use old rendering framework
-o , --output Output file, suffixed for multiple pages (default: output.png)
-p , --pages range Render pages in specified range e.g. 9 or 1-20 or 1,4-6,9-11 (default: all pages)
-r , --resolution dpi Scale width and height to a specific DPI resolution, assuming input is 1px per pt (default: 72)
-X , --width width Scale output to specific width (proportional unless height specified)
-Y , --height height Scale output to specific height (proportional unless width specified)