svn-inject -V (return code: 1)
Checking if the default $TMPDIR allows execution...
Default $TMPDIR allows execution.
Use of uninitialized value $opt_svnurl in substitution (s///) at /usr/bin/svn-inject line 241.
Need two arguments: <dsc file> <SVN url>
svn-inject --help (return code: 1)
Usage: svn-inject [options] <package>.dsc [ <repository URL> ]
-h print this message
-v Make the commands verbose
-q Don't show command calls
-l <digit> Layout type (1=pkg/function, 2=function/pkg/)
-t <string> Directory where you like to store the .orig files
--add-tar Keep tarballs in the repository
-o Only keep modified files under SVN control (incl. debian/ dir),
track only parts of upstream branch
-c <digit> Checkout the tree after injecting
(0=don't do, 1=trunk only (default), 2=complete tree)
-d <string> Do-Like-OtherPackage feature. Looks at a local working
directory, removes lastword/trunk from its URL and uses
the result as base URL
--no-branches Like -o but never tracking upstream branch
-s Save the detected layout configuration (has effect only if a
checkout is done after the inject)
--setprops Set svn-bp props after injecting
--tag Create a tag after importing
If the base repository URL is omitted, svn-inject tries to get it from
the current directory. In this case, -c becomes ineffective.