stk-demo --version (return code: 0)
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for 4294967295, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for 4294967295, skipping unlock
useage: stk-demo Instrument flag(s)
where flag = -s RATE to specify a sample rate,
-n NUMBER specifies the number of voices to allocate,
-ow <file name> for .wav audio output file,
-os <file name> for .snd audio output file,
-om <file name> for .mat audio output file,
-oa <file name> for .aif audio output file,
-or for realtime audio output,
-if <file name> to read control input from SKINI file,
-ip for realtime control input by pipe,
-im <port> for realtime control input by MIDI (virtual port = 0, default = 1),
and Instrument = one of these:
Clarinet BlowHole Saxofony Flute Brass BlowBotl Bowed Plucked
StifKarp Sitar Mandolin Rhodey Wurley TubeBell HevyMetl PercFlut
BeeThree FMVoices VoicForm Moog Simple Drummer BandedWG Shakers
ModalBar Mesh2D Resonate Whistle
Simultaneous multiple output types are supported.
Likewise, simultaneous control input types are supported.
SKINI formatted scorefiles can be piped or redirected
to stk-demo, though realtime control flags should be omitted
when doing so. If the optional <file names> are not
specified, default names will be indicated. Each flag
must include its own '-' sign.
stk-demo --help (return code: 0)
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for 4294967295, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for 4294967295, skipping unlock
useage: stk-demo Instrument flag(s)
where flag = -s RATE to specify a sample rate,
-n NUMBER specifies the number of voices to allocate,
-ow <file name> for .wav audio output file,
-os <file name> for .snd audio output file,
-om <file name> for .mat audio output file,
-oa <file name> for .aif audio output file,
-or for realtime audio output,
-if <file name> to read control input from SKINI file,
-ip for realtime control input by pipe,
-im <port> for realtime control input by MIDI (virtual port = 0, default = 1),
and Instrument = one of these:
Clarinet BlowHole Saxofony Flute Brass BlowBotl Bowed Plucked
StifKarp Sitar Mandolin Rhodey Wurley TubeBell HevyMetl PercFlut
BeeThree FMVoices VoicForm Moog Simple Drummer BandedWG Shakers
ModalBar Mesh2D Resonate Whistle
Simultaneous multiple output types are supported.
Likewise, simultaneous control input types are supported.
SKINI formatted scorefiles can be piped or redirected
to stk-demo, though realtime control flags should be omitted
when doing so. If the optional <file names> are not
specified, default names will be indicated. Each flag
must include its own '-' sign.