sphinx-quickstart --version (return code: 0)
Sphinx v1.5.6
sphinx-quickstart --help (return code: 0)
Sphinx v1.5.6
Usage: sphinx-quickstart [options] [projectdir]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q, --quiet quiet mode
Structure options:
--sep if specified, separate source and build dirs
--dot=DOT replacement for dot in _templates etc.
Project basic options:
-p PROJECT, --project=PROJECT
project name
-a AUTHOR, --author=AUTHOR
author names
-v VERSION version of project
-r RELEASE, --release=RELEASE
release of project
-l LANGUAGE, --language=LANGUAGE
document language
--suffix=SUFFIX source file suffix
--master=MASTER master document name
--epub use epub
Extension options:
--ext-autodoc enable autodoc extension
--ext-doctest enable doctest extension
--ext-intersphinx enable intersphinx extension
--ext-todo enable todo extension
--ext-coverage enable coverage extension
--ext-imgmath enable imgmath extension
--ext-mathjax enable mathjax extension
--ext-ifconfig enable ifconfig extension
--ext-viewcode enable viewcode extension
--ext-githubpages enable githubpages extension
enable extensions
Makefile and Batchfile creation:
--makefile create makefile
--no-makefile not create makefile
--batchfile create batchfile
--no-batchfile not create batchfile
-M, --no-use-make-mode
not use make-mode for Makefile/make.bat
-m, --use-make-mode
use make-mode for Makefile/make.bat
Project templating:
template directory for template files
-d NAME=VALUE define a template variable
For more information, visit <http://sphinx-doc.org/>.