solterm -V (return code: 1)
main: solterm only supports lan connections
solterm (return code: 1)
solterm <conparms>
[-e escape_char] [-notencrypted] [-notauthenticated]
[-bitrate (9600|19200|38400|57600|115200)]
[-alerts (succeed|defer|fail)] [-holdoff] [-ack-retries n]
[-ack-timeout usec] [-v] [-q]
-e escape_char The escape character to use. Default is ~.
-notencrypted Specify that SoL packets should not be encrypted.
-notauthenticated Specify that SoL packets should not be authenticated.
-bitrate xxx Specify bit rate to use. BMCs are not required to support all
bit rates. Make sure this matches the bit rate at which the
baseboard is communicating! Defaults to the BMC's configured
nonvolatile bit rate.
-alerts succeed Specify that serial/modem alerts are to succeed while
SoL is active.
-alerts deferred Serial/modem alerts are to be deferred for the duration
of the SoL session.
-alerts fail Serial/modem alerts automatically fail during the SoL session.
This is the default.
-holdoff Specifies that CTS, DTR and DSR are to be deasserted at the
start of the SoL session,so that the configuration may be
modified before the handshake is released.
-v Be more verbose. May be specified multiple times.
-q Be quieter. Opposite of -v.
<conparms> specified connection parameters for solterm. Note that only
lan connection are supported for solterm. These parms are:
lan [-U <username>] [-P <password>] [-p[2] port] [-A <authtype>]
[-L <privilege>] [-s] [-Ra <auth alg>] [-Ri <integ alg>]
[-Rc <conf algo>] [-Rl] [-Rk <bmc key>] [-H <hackname>]
[-M <max outstanding msgs>] <host1> [<host2>]
If -s is supplied, then two host names are taken (the second port
may be specified with -p2). Otherwise, only one hostname is
taken. The defaults are an empty username and password (anonymous),
port 623, admin privilege, and authtype defaulting to the most
secure one available.
privilege is one of: callback, user, operator, admin, or oem. These
select the specific commands that are available to the connection.
Higher privileges (ones further to the right in the above list) have
more commands available to them.
authtype is one of the following: rmcp+, md5, md2, straight, or none.
Setting this to anything but rmcp+ forces normal rmcp
authentication. By default the most secure method available is
chosen, in the order given above.
For RMCP+ connections, the authentication algorithms supported (-Ra)
are: bmcpick, rakp_none, rakp_hmac_sha1, and rakp_hmac_md5. The
integrity algorithms (-Ri) supported are: bmcpick, none, hmac_sha1,
hmac_md5, and md5. The confidentiality algorithms (-Rc) are: bmcpick,
aes_cbc_128, xrc4_128, and xrc_40. The defaults are
rackp_hmac_sha1, hmac_sha1, and aes_cb_128. -Rl turns on lookup up
names by the name and the privilege level (allowing the same name with
different privileges and different passwords), the default is straight
name lookup. -Rk sets the BMC key, needed if the system does two-key
lookups. The -M option sets the maximum outstanding messages.
The default is 2, ranges 1-63.
The -H option enables certain hacks for broken platforms. This may
be listed multiple times to enable multiple hacks. The currently
available hacks are:
intelplus - For Intel platforms that have broken RMCP+.
rakp3_wrong_rolem - For systems that truncate role(m) in the RAKP3 msg.
rmcpp_integ_sik - For systems that use SIK instead of K(1) for integrity.