slice2html --version (return code: 0)
slice2html --help (return code: 0)
Usage: slice2html [options] slice-files...
-h, --help Show this message.
-v, --version Display the Ice version.
-DNAME Define NAME as 1.
-UNAME Remove any definition for NAME.
-IDIR Put DIR in the include file search path.
-E Print preprocessor output on stdout.
--output-dir DIR Create files in the directory DIR.
--hdr FILE Use the contents of FILE as the header.
--ftr FILe Use the contents of FILE as the footer.
--indexhdr FILE Use the contents of FILE as the header of the index/toc page (default=--hdr).
--indexftr FILE Use the contents of FILE as the footer of the index/toc page (default=--ftr).
--image-dir DIR Directory containing images for style sheets.
--logo-url URL Link to URL from logo image (requires --image-dir).
--search ACTION Generate search box with specified ACTION.
--index NUM Generate subindex if it has at least NUM entries (0 for no index, default=1).
--summary NUM Print a warning if a summary sentence exceeds NUM characters.
-d, --debug Print debug messages.
--ice Permit `Ice' prefix (for building Ice source code only).
--ice Permit underscores in Slice identifiers.