shnsplit -version (return code: 0)
shnsplit mode module 3.0.10
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Jason Jordan <>
shorten utilities pages:
This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License <>.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
shnsplit --help (return code: 1)
shnsplit: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: shnsplit [OPTIONS] [file]
Mode-specific options:
-c num start counting from num when naming output files (default is 1)
-e len prefix each track with len amount of lead-in from previous track (*)
-f file read split point data from file
-h show this help screen
-l len split input file into files of length len (*)
-m str specify character manipulation string (alternating from/to)
-n fmt specify file count output format (default is %02d -- 01, 02, 03, ...)
-t fmt name output files in user-specified format based on CUE sheet fields.
(%p = performer, %a = album, %t = track title, %n = track number)
-u len postfix each track with len amount of lead-out from next track (*)
-x list only extract tracks in list (comma-separated, may contain ranges)
(*) len must be in bytes, m:ss, m:ss.ff or m:ss.nnn format
If no split point file is given, then split points are read from the terminal.
Global options:
-D print debugging information (each one increases debugging level)
-F file get input filenames from file, instead of command line or terminal
-H print times in h:mm:ss.{ff,nnn} format, instead of m:ss.{ff,nnn}
-O val overwrite existing files? val is: {[ask], always, never}
-P type progress indicator type. type is: {[pct], dot, spin, face, none}
-a str prefix 'str' to base part of output filenames
-d dir specify output directory
-i fmt specify input file format decoder and/or arguments.
format is: "fmt decoder [arg1 ... argN (%f = filename)]"
-o fmt specify output file format, extension, encoder and/or arguments.
format is: "fmt [ext=abc] [encoder [arg1 ... argN (%f = filename)]]"
-q suppress non-critical output (quiet mode)
-r val reorder input files? val is: {ask, ascii, [natural], none}
-v show version information
-w suppress warnings
-z str postfix 'str' to base part of output filenames
-- indicates that everything following it is a filename