sg_xcopy --version (return code: 0)
sg_xcopy: 0.53 20160201
sg_xcopy --help (return code: 0)
Usage: sg_xcopy [bpt=BPT] [bs=BS] [cat=0|1] [count=COUNT] [dc=0|1] [ibs=BS]
[id_usage=hold|discard|disable] [if=IFILE] [iflag=FLAGS]
[list_id=ID] [obs=BS] [of=OFILE] [oflag=FLAGS] [prio=PRIO]
[seek=SEEK] [skip=SKIP] [time=0|1] [verbose=VERB] [--help]
[--on_dst|--on_src] [--verbose] [--version]
bpt is blocks_per_transfer (default: 128)
bs block size (default is 512)
cat xcopy segment descriptor CAT bit (default: 0)
count number of blocks to copy (def: device size)
dc xcopy segment descriptor DC bit (default: 0)
ibs input block size (if given must be same as 'bs=')
id_usage sets list_id_usage field to hold (0), discard (2) or
disable (3)
if file or device to read from (def: stdin)
iflag comma separated list of flags applying to IFILE
list_id sets list_id field to ID (default: 1 or 0)
obs output block size (if given must be same as 'bs=')
of file or device to write to (def: stdout), OFILE of '.'
treated as /dev/null
oflag comma separated list of flags applying to OFILE
prio set xcopy priority field to PRIO (def: 1)
seek block position to start writing to OFILE
skip block position to start reading from IFILE
time 0->no timing(def), 1->time plus calculate throughput
verbose 0->quiet(def), 1->some noise, 2->more noise, etc
--help print out this usage message then exit
--on_dst send XCOPY command to OFILE
--on_src send XCOPY command to IFILE
--verbose same action as verbose=1
--version print version information then exit
Copy from IFILE to OFILE, similar to dd command; but using the SCSI
EXTENDED COPY (XCOPY(LID1)) command. For list of flags, use '-hh'.