sg_sat_read_gplog --version (return code: 0)
version: 1.13 20160126
sg_sat_read_gplog --help (return code: 0)
Usage: sg_sat_read_gplog [--ck_cond] [--count=CO] [--dma] [--help]
[--hex] [--len=16|12] [--log=LA] [--page=PN]
[--readonly] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE
--ck_cond | -C set ck_cond field in pass-through (def: 0)
--count=CO | -c CO block count (def: 1)
--dma | -d Use READ LOG DMA EXT (def: READ LOG EXT)
--help | -h output this usage message
--hex | -H output response in hex bytes, -HH yields hex
words + ASCII (def), -HHH hex words only
--len=16|12 | -l 16|12 cdb length: 16 or 12 bytes (def: 16)
--log=LA | -L LA Log address to be read (def: 0)
--page=PN|-p PN Log page number within address (def: 0)
--readonly | -r open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write)
--verbose | -v increase verbosity
recommended if DEVICE is ATA disk
--version | -V print version string and exit
Sends an ATA READ LOG EXT (or READ LOG DMA EXT) command via a SAT pass
through to fetch a General Purpose (GP) log page. Each page is accessed
via a log address and then a page number within that address: LA,PN .
By default the output is the response in hex (16 bit) words.