sendsms --version (return code: 0)
SENDSMS V1.03 - A gnokii interface for sending SMS.
Written by Gabriele Zappi - Rimini <>
sendsms --help (return code: 0)
sendsms: SENDSMS V1.03 - A gnokii interface for sending SMS.
Written by Gabriele Zappi - Rimini <>
Usage: sendsms [OPTION]...
sendsms # simply run sendsms in standard mode
sendsms --simulate # Simulates. doesn't really send sms (for debug)
echo "Hello Beauty ;-)" | sendsms --smsset
# Preset "Hello Beauty ;-)" as SMS message.
sendsms --smsset < mymessage.txt
# Preset contents of file mymessage.txt
as SMS message.
sendsms --version # Display version, author and quits.
If you require to pickup number from phone's memory (or from SIM card),
for the first time, it anyway reads phonebook from your mobile phone.
(It may take a while... please, be patient ;-)
Available options:
--debug, -D May bother with more debugging messages ;-)
For debugging purpose.
--simul[ate], -S Simulation mode. Doesn't really send SMS by phone.
Only simulates. For debugging purpose.
--forceSMread, -s Forces sendsms to read phonebook from SIM card,
and to parse the generated file in order to update
the numbers' list (useful only if required to pickup
number from the phone's memory). see NOTE.
--forceMEread, -m Forces sendsms to read phonebook from phone memory,
and to parse the generated file in order to update
the numbers' list (useful only if required to pickup
number from the phone's memory). see NOTE.
--skipgnokiicheck, -K Skip the test of the presence of binary 'gnokii'.
(It must be somewhere in your $PATH). It allows you
to try this script program, even if you don't have
'gnokii' already. ;)
--smsset, --setsms Allows you to preset a SMS message from STDIN. (pipe
or input redirection).
This message will be proposed on the 'SMS message'
field during the program input cycle.
--help, -h, /h display this help and exit
--version, -V output version information and exit