search++ --version (return code: 0)
SWISH++ 6.1.5
search++ --help (return code: 2)
usage: search++ [options] query
options: (unambiguous abbreviations may be used for long options)
-? | --help : Print this help message
-a a | --socket-address a : Socket address [default: *:1967]
-b t | --daemon-type t : Daemon type to run as [default: none]
-B | --no-background : Don't run daemon in the background [default: do]
-c f | --config-file f : Name of configuration file [default: swish++.conf]
-d | --dump-words : Dump query word indices, exit
-D | --dump-index : Dump entire word index, exit
-f n | --word-files n : Word/file maximum [default: infinity]
-F f | --format f : Results format [default: classic]
-G s | --group s : Daemon group to run as [default: nobody]
-i f | --index-file f : Name of index file [default: swish++.index]
-m n | --max-results n : Maximum number of results [default: 100]
-M | --dump-meta : Dump meta-name index, exit
-n n | --near n : Maximum number of words apart [default: 10]
-o s | --socket-timeout s : Search client request timeout [default: 10]
-O s | --thread-timeout s : Idle spare thread timeout [default: 30]
-p n | --word-percent n : Word/file percentage [default: 100]
-P f | --pid-file f : Name of file to record daemon PID in [default: none]
-q n | --queue-size n : Maximum queued socket connections [default: 511]
-r n | --skip-results n : Number of initial results to skip [default: 0]
-R s | --separator s : Result separator string [default: " "]
-s | --stem-words : Stem words prior to search [default: no]
-S | --dump-stop : Dump stop-word index, exit
-t n | --min-threads n : Minimum number of threads [default: 5]
-T n | --max-threads n : Maximum number of threads [default: 100]
-u f | --socket-file f : Name of socket file [default: /tmp/search.socket]
-U s | --user s : Daemon user to run as [default: nobody]
-V | --version : Print version number, exit
-w n[,m] | --window n[,m] : Dump window of words around query words [default: 0]