sdld -V (return code: 3)
sdld Linker V03.00 + NoICE + sdld
Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] file
Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] outfile file1 [file2 ...]
-p Echo commands to stdout (default)
-n No echo of commands to stdout
Alternates to Command Line Input:
-c ASlink >> prompt input
-f file[.lk] Command File input
-k Library path specification, one per -k
-l Library file specification, one per -l
-b area base address = expression
-g global symbol = expression
Map format:
-m Map output generated as (out)file[.map]
-w Wide listing format for map file
-x Hexadecimal (default)
-d Decimal
-q Octal
-i Intel Hex as (out)file[.ihx]
-s Motorola S Record as (out)file[.s19]
-j NoICE Debug output as (out)file[.noi]
-y SDCDB Debug output as (out)file[.cdb]
-u Update listing file(s) with link data as file(s)[.rst]
Case Sensitivity:
-z Disable Case Sensitivity for Symbols
-I [iram-size] Check for internal RAM overflow
-X [xram-size] Check for external RAM overflow
-C [code-size] Check for code overflow
-M Generate memory usage summary file[.mem]
-Y Pack internal ram
-S [stack-size] Allocate space for stack
-e or null line terminates input
ASlink >> --
ASlink >> -v
ASlink >> -e
ASlink >> -r
ASlink >> -s
ASlink >> -i
ASlink >> -o
sdld (return code: 3)
sdld Linker V03.00 + NoICE + sdld
Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] file
Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] outfile file1 [file2 ...]
-p Echo commands to stdout (default)
-n No echo of commands to stdout
Alternates to Command Line Input:
-c ASlink >> prompt input
-f file[.lk] Command File input
-k Library path specification, one per -k
-l Library file specification, one per -l
-b area base address = expression
-g global symbol = expression
Map format:
-m Map output generated as (out)file[.map]
-w Wide listing format for map file
-x Hexadecimal (default)
-d Decimal
-q Octal
-i Intel Hex as (out)file[.ihx]
-s Motorola S Record as (out)file[.s19]
-j NoICE Debug output as (out)file[.noi]
-y SDCDB Debug output as (out)file[.cdb]
-u Update listing file(s) with link data as file(s)[.rst]
Case Sensitivity:
-z Disable Case Sensitivity for Symbols
-I [iram-size] Check for internal RAM overflow
-X [xram-size] Check for external RAM overflow
-C [code-size] Check for code overflow
-M Generate memory usage summary file[.mem]
-Y Pack internal ram
-S [stack-size] Allocate space for stack
-e or null line terminates input