scan-build -V (return code: 1)
scan-build: unrecognized option '--version'
scan-build --help (return code: 0)
USAGE: scan-build [options] <build command> [build options]
Also analyze functions in #included files. By default, such functions
are skipped unless they are called by functions within the main source file.
-o <output location>
Specifies the output directory for analyzer reports. Subdirectories will be
created as needed to represent separate "runs" of the analyzer. If this
option is not specified, a directory is created in /tmp (TMPDIR on Mac OS X)
to store the reports.
Display this message.
Add a "keep on going" option to the specified build command. This option
currently supports make and xcodebuild. This is a convenience option; one
can specify this behavior directly using build options.
--html-title [title]
Specify the title used on generated HTML pages. If not specified, a default
title will be used.
By default the output of scan-build is a set of HTML files. This option
outputs the results as a set of .plist files.
By default the output of scan-build is a set of HTML files. This option
outputs the results as a set of HTML and .plist files.
By default, the exit status of scan-build is the same as the executed build
command. Specifying this option causes the exit status of scan-build to be 1
if it found potential bugs and 0 otherwise.
--use-cc [compiler path]
--use-cc=[compiler path]
scan-build analyzes a project by interposing a "fake compiler", which
executes a real compiler for compilation and the static analyzer for analysis.
Because of the current implementation of interposition, scan-build does not
know what compiler your project normally uses. Instead, it simply overrides
the CC environment variable, and guesses your default compiler.
In the future, this interposition mechanism to be improved, but if you need
scan-build to use a specific compiler for *compilation* then you can use
this option to specify a path to that compiler.
If the given compiler is a cross compiler, you may also need to provide
--analyzer-target option to properly analyze the source code because static
analyzer runs as if the code is compiled for the host machine by default.
--use-c++ [compiler path]
--use-c++=[compiler path]
This is the same as "--use-cc" but for C++ code.
--analyzer-target [target triple name for analysis]
--analyzer-target=[target triple name for analysis]
This provides target triple information to clang static analyzer.
It only changes the target for analysis but doesn't change the target of a
real compiler given by --use-cc and --use-c++ options.
Enable verbose output from scan-build. A second and third '-v' increases
View analysis results in a web browser when the build completes.
Do not create a 'failures' subdirectory that includes analyzer crash reports
and preprocessed source files.
Generates visitation statistics for the project being analyzed.
-maxloop <loop count>
Specifiy the number of times a block can be visited before giving up.
Default is 4. Increase for more comprehensive coverage at a cost of speed.
Generate internal analyzer statistics.
--use-analyzer [Xcode|path to clang]
--use-analyzer=[Xcode|path to clang]
scan-build uses the 'clang' executable relative to itself for static
analysis. One can override this behavior with this option by using the
'clang' packaged with Xcode (on OS X) or from the PATH.
Don't remove the build results directory even if no issues were reported.
Always resort to the ccc-analyzer even when better interposition methods
are available.
-analyzer-config <options>
Provide options to pass through to the analyzer's -analyzer-config flag.
Several options are separated with comma: 'key1=val1,key2=val2'
Available options:
* stable-report-filename=true or false (default)
Switch the page naming to:
report-<filename>-<function/method name>-<id>.html
instead of report-XXXXXX.html
A default group of checkers are always run unless explicitly disabled.
Checkers may be enabled/disabled using the following options:
-enable-checker [checker name]
-disable-checker [checker name]
Loading external checkers using the clang plugin interface:
-load-plugin [plugin library]
alpha.core.BoolAssignment Warn about assigning non-{0,1} values to Boolean variables
Check for logical errors for function calls and Objective-C message expressions (e.g., uninitialized arguments, null function pointers, and pointer to undefined variables)
alpha.core.CastSize Check when casting a malloc'ed type T, whether the size is a multiple of the size of T
alpha.core.CastToStruct Check for cast from non-struct pointer to struct pointer
alpha.core.DynamicTypeChecker Check for cases where the dynamic and the static type of an object are unrelated.
alpha.core.FixedAddr Check for assignment of a fixed address to a pointer
alpha.core.IdenticalExpr Warn about unintended use of identical expressions in operators
alpha.core.PointerArithm Check for pointer arithmetic on locations other than array elements
alpha.core.PointerSub Check for pointer subtractions on two pointers pointing to different memory chunks
alpha.core.SizeofPtr Warn about unintended use of sizeof() on pointer expressions
alpha.core.TestAfterDivZero Check for division by variable that is later compared against 0. Either the comparison is useless or there is division by zero.
alpha.cplusplus.VirtualCall Check virtual function calls during construction or destruction
alpha.deadcode.UnreachableCode Check unreachable code
alpha.osx.cocoa.Dealloc Warn about Objective-C classes that lack a correct implementation of -dealloc
Check for direct assignments to instance variables
Check for direct assignments to instance variables in the methods annotated with objc_no_direct_instance_variable_assignment
Check that the invalidatable instance variables are invalidated in the methods annotated with objc_instance_variable_invalidator
Check that the invalidation methods are present in classes that contain invalidatable instance variables
Warns against using one vs. many plural pattern in code when generating localized strings. Warn about buffer overflows (older checker) Warn about buffer overflows (newer checker) Check for overflows in the arguments to malloc() Check for an out-of-bound pointer being returned to callers
Generate taint information used by other checkers
alpha.unix.Chroot Check improper use of chroot
alpha.unix.PthreadLock Simple lock -> unlock checker
alpha.unix.SimpleStream Check for misuses of stream APIs
alpha.unix.Stream Check stream handling functions
Checks for overlap in two buffer arguments
Check for arguments which are not null-terminating strings
alpha.unix.cstring.OutOfBounds Check for out-of-bounds access in string functions
+ core.CallAndMessage Check for logical errors for function calls and Objective-C message expressions (e.g., uninitialized arguments, null function pointers)
+ core.DivideZero Check for division by zero
+ core.DynamicTypePropagation Generate dynamic type information
+ core.NonNullParamChecker Check for null pointers passed as arguments to a function whose arguments are references or marked with the 'nonnull' attribute
+ core.NullDereference Check for dereferences of null pointers
+ core.StackAddressEscape Check that addresses to stack memory do not escape the function
+ core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult
Check for undefined results of binary operators
+ core.VLASize Check for declarations of VLA of undefined or zero size
+ core.builtin.BuiltinFunctions Evaluate compiler builtin functions (e.g., alloca())
+ core.builtin.NoReturnFunctions Evaluate "panic" functions that are known to not return to the caller
+ core.uninitialized.ArraySubscript
Check for uninitialized values used as array subscripts
+ core.uninitialized.Assign Check for assigning uninitialized values
+ core.uninitialized.Branch Check for uninitialized values used as branch conditions
+ core.uninitialized.CapturedBlockVariable
Check for blocks that capture uninitialized values
+ core.uninitialized.UndefReturn Check for uninitialized values being returned to the caller
+ cplusplus.NewDelete Check for double-free and use-after-free problems. Traces memory managed by new/delete.
+ cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks Check for memory leaks. Traces memory managed by new/delete.
+ deadcode.DeadStores Check for values stored to variables that are never read afterwards
debug.ConfigDumper Dump config table
debug.DumpBugHash Dump the bug hash for all statements.
debug.DumpCFG Display Control-Flow Graphs
debug.DumpCallGraph Display Call Graph
debug.DumpCalls Print calls as they are traversed by the engine
debug.DumpDominators Print the dominance tree for a given CFG
debug.DumpLiveVars Print results of live variable analysis
debug.DumpTraversal Print branch conditions as they are traversed by the engine
debug.ExprInspection Check the analyzer's understanding of expressions
debug.Stats Emit warnings with analyzer statistics
debug.TaintTest Mark tainted symbols as such.
debug.ViewCFG View Control-Flow Graphs using GraphViz
debug.ViewCallGraph View Call Graph using GraphViz
debug.ViewExplodedGraph View Exploded Graphs using GraphViz
llvm.Conventions Check code for LLVM codebase conventions
+ nullability.NullPassedToNonnull
Warns when a null pointer is passed to a pointer which has a _Nonnull type.
+ nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull
Warns when a null pointer is returned from a function that has _Nonnull return type.
Warns when a nullable pointer is dereferenced.
Warns when a nullable pointer is passed to a pointer which has a _Nonnull type.
Warns when a nullable pointer is returned from a function that has _Nonnull return type.
Check that NSLocalizedString macros include a comment for context
Warns about uses of non-localized NSStrings passed to UI methods expecting localized NSStrings
optin.performance.Padding Check for excessively padded structs.
osx.API Check for proper uses of various Apple APIs
osx.SecKeychainAPI Check for proper uses of Secure Keychain APIs
osx.cocoa.AtSync Check for nil pointers used as mutexes for @synchronized
osx.cocoa.ClassRelease Check for sending 'retain', 'release', or 'autorelease' directly to a Class
Warn about Objective-C method signatures with type incompatibilities
osx.cocoa.Loops Improved modeling of loops using Cocoa collection types
osx.cocoa.MissingSuperCall Warn about Objective-C methods that lack a necessary call to super
osx.cocoa.NSAutoreleasePool Warn for suboptimal uses of NSAutoreleasePool in Objective-C GC mode
osx.cocoa.NSError Check usage of NSError** parameters
osx.cocoa.NilArg Check for prohibited nil arguments to ObjC method calls
osx.cocoa.NonNilReturnValue Model the APIs that are guaranteed to return a non-nil value
osx.cocoa.ObjCGenerics Check for type errors when using Objective-C generics
osx.cocoa.RetainCount Check for leaks and improper reference count management
osx.cocoa.SelfInit Check that 'self' is properly initialized inside an initializer method
osx.cocoa.UnusedIvars Warn about private ivars that are never used
osx.cocoa.VariadicMethodTypes Check for passing non-Objective-C types to variadic collection initialization methods that expect only Objective-C types
osx.coreFoundation.CFError Check usage of CFErrorRef* parameters
osx.coreFoundation.CFNumber Check for proper uses of CFNumberCreate
Check for null arguments to CFRetain/CFRelease/CFMakeCollectable
Checks for index out-of-bounds when using 'CFArray' API
Warns if 'CFArray', 'CFDictionary', 'CFSet' are created with non-pointer-size values
security.FloatLoopCounter Warn on using a floating point value as a loop counter (CERT: FLP30-C, FLP30-CPP)
+ security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn
Warn on uses of functions whose return values must be always checked
+ security.insecureAPI.getpw Warn on uses of the 'getpw' function
+ security.insecureAPI.gets Warn on uses of the 'gets' function
+ security.insecureAPI.mkstemp Warn when 'mkstemp' is passed fewer than 6 X's in the format string
+ security.insecureAPI.mktemp Warn on uses of the 'mktemp' function
security.insecureAPI.rand Warn on uses of the 'rand', 'random', and related functions
security.insecureAPI.strcpy Warn on uses of the 'strcpy' and 'strcat' functions
+ security.insecureAPI.vfork Warn on uses of the 'vfork' function
+ unix.API Check calls to various UNIX/Posix functions
+ unix.Malloc Check for memory leaks, double free, and use-after-free problems. Traces memory managed by malloc()/free().
+ unix.MallocSizeof Check for dubious malloc arguments involving sizeof
+ unix.MismatchedDeallocator Check for mismatched deallocators.
+ unix.Vfork Check for proper usage of vfork
+ unix.cstring.BadSizeArg Check the size argument passed into C string functions for common erroneous patterns
+ unix.cstring.NullArg Check for null pointers being passed as arguments to C string functions
NOTE: "+" indicates that an analysis is enabled by default.
You can specify any build option acceptable to the build command.
scan-build -o /tmp/myhtmldir make -j4
The above example causes analysis reports to be deposited into a subdirectory
of "/tmp/myhtmldir" and to run "make" with the "-j4" option. A different
subdirectory is created each time scan-build analyzes a project. The analyzer
should support most parallel builds, but not distributed builds.