sc-hsm-tool version (return code: 0)
No smart card readers found.
sc-hsm-tool --help (return code: 2)
sc-hsm-tool: unrecognized option '--help'
Usage: sc-hsm-tool [OPTIONS]
-X, --initialize Initialize token
-C, --create-dkek-share <arg>
Create DKEK key share and save to <filename>
-I, --import-dkek-share <arg>
Import DKEK key share <filename>
-W, --wrap-key <arg> Wrap key and save to <filename>
-U, --unwrap-key <arg> Unwrap key read from <filename>
-s, --dkek-shares <arg> Number of DKEK shares [No DKEK]
--so-pin <arg> Define security officer PIN (SO-PIN)
--pin <arg> Define user PIN
--pin-retry <arg> Define user PIN retry counter
--password <arg> Define password for DKEK share
--pwd-shares-threshold <arg>
Define threshold for number of password shares required for reconstruction
--pwd-shares-total <arg> Define number of password shares
-i, --key-reference <arg> Key reference for key wrap/unwrap
-l, --label <arg> Token label for --initialize
-f, --force Force replacement of key and certificate
-r, --reader <arg> Uses reader number <arg> [0]
-w, --wait Wait for a card to be inserted
-v, --verbose Verbose operation. Use several times to enable debug output.