saslpluginviewer -V (return code: 1)
saslpluginviewer: invalid option -- '-'
saslpluginviewer: invalid option -- 'v'
saslpluginviewer: Usage: saslpluginviewer [-a] [-s] [-c] [-b min=N,max=N] [-e ssf=N,id=ID] [-m MECHS] [-x AUXPROP_MECH] [-f FLAGS] [-i local=IP,remote=IP] [-p PATH]
-a list auxprop plugins
-s list server authentication (SASL) plugins
-c list client authentication (SASL) plugins
-b ... #bits to use for encryption
min=N minumum #bits to use (1 => integrity)
max=N maximum #bits to use
-e ... assume external encryption
ssf=N external mech provides N bits of encryption
id=ID external mech provides authentication id ID
-m MECHS force to use one of MECHS SASL mechanism
-x AUXPROP_MECHS force to use one of AUXPROP_MECHS auxprop plugins
-f ... set security flags
noplain no plaintext password send during authentication
noactive require security vs. active attacks
nodict require security vs. passive dictionary attacks
forwardsec require forward secrecy
maximum require all security flags
passcred attempt to pass client credentials
-p PATH colon-separated search path for mechanisms
saslpluginviewer -h (return code: 1)
saslpluginviewer: Usage: saslpluginviewer [-a] [-s] [-c] [-b min=N,max=N] [-e ssf=N,id=ID] [-m MECHS] [-x AUXPROP_MECH] [-f FLAGS] [-i local=IP,remote=IP] [-p PATH]
-a list auxprop plugins
-s list server authentication (SASL) plugins
-c list client authentication (SASL) plugins
-b ... #bits to use for encryption
min=N minumum #bits to use (1 => integrity)
max=N maximum #bits to use
-e ... assume external encryption
ssf=N external mech provides N bits of encryption
id=ID external mech provides authentication id ID
-m MECHS force to use one of MECHS SASL mechanism
-x AUXPROP_MECHS force to use one of AUXPROP_MECHS auxprop plugins
-f ... set security flags
noplain no plaintext password send during authentication
noactive require security vs. active attacks
nodict require security vs. passive dictionary attacks
forwardsec require forward secrecy
maximum require all security flags
passcred attempt to pass client credentials
-p PATH colon-separated search path for mechanisms