rzsh --version (return code: 0)
zsh 5.1.1 (x86_64-ubuntu-linux-gnu)
rzsh --help (return code: 0)
Usage: rzsh [<options>] [<argument> ...]
Special options:
--help show this message, then exit
--version show zsh version number, then exit
-b end option processing, like --
-c take first argument as a command to execute
-o OPTION set an option by name (see below)
Normal options are named. An option may be turned on by
`-o OPTION', `--OPTION', `+o no_OPTION' or `+-no-OPTION'. An
option may be turned off by `-o no_OPTION', `--no-OPTION',
`+o OPTION' or `+-OPTION'. Options are listed below only in
`--OPTION' or `--no-OPTION' form.
Named options:
Option aliases:
--braceexpand equivalent to --no-ignorebraces
--dotglob equivalent to --globdots
--hashall equivalent to --hashcmds
--histappend equivalent to --appendcreate
--histexpand equivalent to --badpattern
--log equivalent to --no-histnofunctions
--mailwarn equivalent to --mailwarning
--onecmd equivalent to --singlecommand
--physical equivalent to --cdablevars
--promptvars equivalent to --promptsubst
--stdin equivalent to --shinstdin
--trackall equivalent to --hashcmds
Option letters:
-0 equivalent to --completeinword
-1 equivalent to --printexitvalue
-2 equivalent to --no-autoresume
-3 equivalent to --no-nomatch
-4 equivalent to --globdots
-5 equivalent to --notify
-6 equivalent to --beep
-7 equivalent to --ignoreeof
-8 equivalent to --markdirs
-9 equivalent to --autocontinue
-B equivalent to --no-bashrematch
-C equivalent to --no-chaselinks
-D equivalent to --pushdtohome
-E equivalent to --pushdsilent
-F equivalent to --no-glob
-G equivalent to --nullglob
-H equivalent to --rmstarsilent
-I equivalent to --ignorebraces
-J equivalent to --appendhistory
-K equivalent to --no-badpattern
-L equivalent to --sunkeyboardhack
-M equivalent to --singlelinezle
-N equivalent to --autoparamslash
-O equivalent to --continueonerror
-P equivalent to --rcexpandparam
-Q equivalent to --pathdirs
-R equivalent to --longlistjobs
-S equivalent to --recexact
-T equivalent to --cbases
-U equivalent to --mailwarning
-V equivalent to --no-promptcr
-W equivalent to --autoremoveslash
-X equivalent to --listtypes
-Y equivalent to --menucomplete
-Z equivalent to --zle
-a equivalent to --allexport
-d equivalent to --no-globalrcs
-e equivalent to --errexit
-f equivalent to --no-rcs
-g equivalent to --histignorespace
-h equivalent to --histignoredups
-i equivalent to --interactive
-k equivalent to --interactivecomments
-l equivalent to --login
-m equivalent to --monitor
-n equivalent to --no-exec
-p equivalent to --privileged
-r equivalent to --restricted
-s equivalent to --shinstdin
-t equivalent to --singlecommand
-u equivalent to --no-unset
-v equivalent to --verbose
-w equivalent to --cdablevars
-x equivalent to --xtrace
-y equivalent to --shwordsplit