rygel --version (return code: 0)
Rygel 0.35.0
rygel --help (return code: 0)
rygel [OPTION?] - Rygel
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
Application Options:
--version Display version number
-n, --network-interface=INTERFACE Network Interfaces
-p, --port=PORT Port
-t, --disable-transcoding Disable transcoding
-U, --disallow-upload Disallow upload
-D, --disallow-deletion Disallow deletion
-g, --log-level Comma-separated list of domain:level pairs. See rygel(1) for details
-u, --plugin-path=PLUGIN_PATH Plugin Path
-e, --engine-path=ENGINE_PATH Engine Path
-d, --disable-plugin=PluginName Disable plugin
-i, --title=PluginName:TITLE Set plugin titles
-o, --plugin-option=PluginName:OPTION:VALUE1[,VALUE2,..] Set plugin options
-c, --config=FILE Use configuration file instead of user configuration
-s, --shutdown Shut down remote Rygel reference
-r, --replace Replace currently running instance of Rygel