runantlr --version (return code: 0)
Running java antlr.Tool $* with /usr/share/java/antlr.jar appended to the CLASSPATH variable
ANTLR Parser Generator Version 2.7.7 (20170602) 1989-2005
error: no grammar file specified
runantlr --help (return code: 0)
Running java antlr.Tool $* with /usr/share/java/antlr.jar appended to the CLASSPATH variable
ANTLR Parser Generator Version 2.7.7 (20170602) 1989-2005
usage: java antlr.Tool [args] file.g
-o outputDir specify output directory where all output generated.
-glib superGrammar specify location of supergrammar file.
-debug launch the ParseView debugger upon parser invocation.
-html generate a html file from your grammar.
-docbook generate a docbook sgml file from your grammar.
-diagnostic generate a textfile with diagnostics.
-trace have all rules call traceIn/traceOut.
-traceLexer have lexer rules call traceIn/traceOut.
-traceParser have parser rules call traceIn/traceOut.
-traceTreeParser have tree parser rules call traceIn/traceOut.
-h|-help|--help this message