rndc-confgen --version (return code: 1)
rndc-confgen: invalid argument --
rndc-confgen [-a] [-b bits] [-c keyfile] [-k keyname] [-p port] [-r randomfile] [-s addr] [-t chrootdir] [-u user]
-a: generate just the key clause and write it to keyfile (/etc/bind/rndc.key)
-A alg: algorithm (default hmac-md5)
-b bits: from 1 through 512, default 256; total length of the secret
-c keyfile: specify an alternate key file (requires -a)
-k keyname: the name as it will be used in named.conf and rndc.conf
-p port: the port named will listen on and rndc will connect to
-r randomfile: source of random data (use "keyboard" for key timing)
-s addr: the address to which rndc should connect
-t chrootdir: write a keyfile in chrootdir as well (requires -a)
-u user: set the keyfile owner to "user" (requires -a)
rndc-confgen --help (return code: 1)
rndc-confgen: invalid argument --
rndc-confgen [-a] [-b bits] [-c keyfile] [-k keyname] [-p port] [-r randomfile] [-s addr] [-t chrootdir] [-u user]
-a: generate just the key clause and write it to keyfile (/etc/bind/rndc.key)
-A alg: algorithm (default hmac-md5)
-b bits: from 1 through 512, default 256; total length of the secret
-c keyfile: specify an alternate key file (requires -a)
-k keyname: the name as it will be used in named.conf and rndc.conf
-p port: the port named will listen on and rndc will connect to
-r randomfile: source of random data (use "keyboard" for key timing)
-s addr: the address to which rndc should connect
-t chrootdir: write a keyfile in chrootdir as well (requires -a)
-u user: set the keyfile owner to "user" (requires -a)