rfcomm --version (return code: 0)
rfcomm: unrecognized option '--version'
rfcomm --help (return code: 0)
RFCOMM configuration utility ver 5.37
rfcomm [options] <command> <dev>
-i, --device [hciX|bdaddr] Local HCI device or BD Address
-h, --help Display help
-r, --raw Switch TTY into raw mode
-A, --auth Enable authentication
-E, --encrypt Enable encryption
-S, --secure Secure connection
-M, --master Become the master of a piconet
-L, --linger [seconds] Set linger timeout
-a Show all devices (default)
bind <dev> <bdaddr> [channel] Bind device
release <dev> Release device
show <dev> Show device
connect <dev> <bdaddr> [channel] Connect device
listen <dev> [channel [cmd]] Listen
watch <dev> [channel [cmd]] Watch