reged -V (return code: 1)
reged: invalid option -- '-'
reged version 0.1 140201, (c) Petter N Hagen
-x <registryhivefile> <prefixstring> <key> <output.reg>
Xport. Where <prefixstring> for example is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
<key> is key to dump (recursively), \ or \\ means all keys in hive
Only one .reg and one hive file supported at the same time
-I <registryhivefile> <prefixstring> <input.reg>
Import from .reg file. Where <prefixstring> for example is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
Only one .reg and one hive file supported at the same time
-e <registryhive> ...
Interactive edit one or more of registry files
-L : Log changed filenames to /tmp/changed, also auto-saves
-C : Auto-save (commit) changed hives without asking
-N : No allocate mode, only allow edit of existing values with same size
-E : No expand mode, do not expand hive file (safe mode)
-t : Debug trace of allocated blocks
-v : Some more verbose messages
reged -h (return code: 0)
reged version 0.1 140201, (c) Petter N Hagen
-x <registryhivefile> <prefixstring> <key> <output.reg>
Xport. Where <prefixstring> for example is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
<key> is key to dump (recursively), \ or \\ means all keys in hive
Only one .reg and one hive file supported at the same time
-I <registryhivefile> <prefixstring> <input.reg>
Import from .reg file. Where <prefixstring> for example is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
Only one .reg and one hive file supported at the same time
-e <registryhive> ...
Interactive edit one or more of registry files
-L : Log changed filenames to /tmp/changed, also auto-saves
-C : Auto-save (commit) changed hives without asking
-N : No allocate mode, only allow edit of existing values with same size
-E : No expand mode, do not expand hive file (safe mode)
-t : Debug trace of allocated blocks
-v : Some more verbose messages