rearj -v (return code: 0)
REARJ 2.43.02, Copyright (c) 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia. [04 Jun 2016]
All rights reserved. Archive to ARJ conversion utility
Usage: REARJ [switch options] <!listfile(s), filespec(s) or wildname(s)>
Switch options: (can be placed before or after filespecs)
/+ ignore REARJ_SW variable
/a[suffix] convert archives within archives ("*" for all formats)
/bcommand execute DOS command before extracting files
/ccommand execute DOS command on extracted files before counting them
/d delete original archives
/e no error switch
/f convert diskette archives
/g skip creation of output archive
/i[name] check integrity of REARJ.EXE
/j skip if output archive size is larger than the original
/k skip archive timestamping
/l[name] write append log file (default name is REARJ.LOG)
/m[date] select archives before date in YYMMDDHHMMSS format
/n[date] select archives on or after date in YYMMDDHHMMSS format
/o allow overwrite of existing target archive
/p ignore long filenames under Windows 95
/q query for each archive to convert
/r recurse through subdirectories
/s skip verify of file count and total size
/tsuffix create suffix type archives
/u[bak] allow update of archive with backup (default is BAK)
/v execute configured command on extracted files
/wdir assign work directory
/x[!]file exclude by filename, wildname, or listfile
/y[text] delete output archive and write text to log (testing mode)
/z simulate operation
Example: REARJ *.* /r /d Convert all archives to ARJ format, searching
all subdirectories, deleting original archives
Set REARJ environment variable: SET REARJ_SW=/l /we:\temp
REARJ log error codes:
1 = File not found
2 = File is not a configured archive type
3 = Target archive already exists
4 = Not enough disk space
5 = User skipped or user did not select update option
6 = UNPACK command error
7 = PACK command error
8 = Target cannot support directories
9 = Wrong file count
10 = Wrong total size
11 = Internal archive REARJ error
12 = Rename archive error
13 = Invoked /v command error (found a virus?)
14 = Output archive is larger
rearj -h (return code: 0)
REARJ 2.43.02, Copyright (c) 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia. [04 Jun 2016]
All rights reserved. Archive to ARJ conversion utility
Usage: REARJ [switch options] <!listfile(s), filespec(s) or wildname(s)>
Switch options: (can be placed before or after filespecs)
/+ ignore REARJ_SW variable
/a[suffix] convert archives within archives ("*" for all formats)
/bcommand execute DOS command before extracting files
/ccommand execute DOS command on extracted files before counting them
/d delete original archives
/e no error switch
/f convert diskette archives
/g skip creation of output archive
/i[name] check integrity of REARJ.EXE
/j skip if output archive size is larger than the original
/k skip archive timestamping
/l[name] write append log file (default name is REARJ.LOG)
/m[date] select archives before date in YYMMDDHHMMSS format
/n[date] select archives on or after date in YYMMDDHHMMSS format
/o allow overwrite of existing target archive
/p ignore long filenames under Windows 95
/q query for each archive to convert
/r recurse through subdirectories
/s skip verify of file count and total size
/tsuffix create suffix type archives
/u[bak] allow update of archive with backup (default is BAK)
/v execute configured command on extracted files
/wdir assign work directory
/x[!]file exclude by filename, wildname, or listfile
/y[text] delete output archive and write text to log (testing mode)
/z simulate operation
Example: REARJ *.* /r /d Convert all archives to ARJ format, searching
all subdirectories, deleting original archives
Set REARJ environment variable: SET REARJ_SW=/l /we:\temp
REARJ log error codes:
1 = File not found
2 = File is not a configured archive type
3 = Target archive already exists
4 = Not enough disk space
5 = User skipped or user did not select update option
6 = UNPACK command error
7 = PACK command error
8 = Target cannot support directories
9 = Wrong file count
10 = Wrong total size
11 = Internal archive REARJ error
12 = Rename archive error
13 = Invoked /v command error (found a virus?)
14 = Output archive is larger