quodlibet --version (return code: 0)
Quod Libet 3.7.1
Copyright © 2004-2016 Joe Wreschnig, Michael Urman, Iñigo Serna, Steven Robertson, Christoph Reiter, Nick Boultbee...
quodlibet --help (return code: 0)
Usage: /usr/bin/quodlibet [option]
Quod Libet - a music library and player
--enqueue=filename|query Enqueue a file or query
--enqueue-files=filename[,filename..] Enqueue comma-separated files
--filter=tag=value Filter on a tag value
--focus Focus the running player
--force-previous Jump to previous song
--hide-window Hide main window
--list-browsers List available browsers
--next Jump to next song
--no-plugins Start without plugins
--open-browser=BrowserName Open a new browser
--order=[order]|toggle Set or toggle the playback order
--pause Pause playback
--play Start playback
--play-file=filename Play a file
--play-pause Toggle play/pause mode
--previous Jump to previous song or restart if near the beginning
--print-playing Print the playing song and exit
--print-playlist Print the current playlist
--print-query=query Print filenames of results of query to stdout
--print-query-text Print the active text query
--print-queue Print the contents of the queue
--query=query Search your audio library
--queue=on|off|t Show or hide the queue
--quit Exit Quod Libet
--random=tag Filter on a random value
--refresh Refresh and rescan library
--repeat=0|1|t Turn repeat off, on, or toggle it
--run Start Quod Libet if it isn't running
--seek=[+|-][HH:]MM:SS Seek within the playing song
--set-browser=BrowserName Set the current browser
--set-rating=0.0..1.0 Rate the playing song
--show-window Show main window
--song-list=on|off|t Show or hide the main song list (deprecated)
--start-playing Begin playing immediately
--status Print player status
--stop Stop playback
--stop-after=0|1|t Stop after the playing song
--toggle-window Toggle main window visibility
--unfilter Remove active browser filters
--unqueue=filename|query Unqueue a file or query
--volume=(+|-|)0..100 Set the volume
--volume-down Turn down volume
--volume-up Turn up volume
--help Display brief usage information
--version Display version and copyright