pyversions -V (return code: 1)
usage: pyversions [-v] [-h] [-d|--default] [-s|--supported] [-i|--installed] [-r|--requested <version string>|<control file>]
pyversions --help (return code: 0)
Usage: [-v] [-h] [-d|--default] [-s|--supported] [-i|--installed] [-r|--requested <version string>|<control file>]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --default print the default python version
-s, --supported print the supported python versions
-r, --requested print the python versions requested by a build; the
argument is either the name of a control file or the value
of the X(S)-Python-Version attribute
-i, --installed print the installed supported python versions
-v, --version print just the version number(s)