pyro-ns -h (return code: 0)
Usage: pyro-ns [-h] [-k] [-m] [-r] [-x] [-n hostname] [-p port] [-b bcport] [-c bcaddr]
[-i identification] [-d [databaselocation]] [-s securitymodule]
[-1 [host:port]] [-2 [host:port]] [-v]
where -p = NS server port (0 for auto)
-n = non-default hostname to bind on
-b = NS broadcast port
-c = NS broadcast address override
-x = do not start a broadcast listener
-m = allow multiple instances in network segment
-r = don't attempt to find already existing nameservers
-k = keep running- do not respond to shutdown requests
-d = use persistent database, provide optional storage directory
-s = use given python module with security plugins
-i = specify the required authentication ID
-1 = runs this NS as primary, opt. specify where secondary is
-2 = runs this NS as secondary, opt. specify where primary is
-v = verbose output
-h = print this help