pure-pw --version (return code: 0)
Usage :
pure-pw useradd <login> [-f <passwd file>] -u <uid> [-g <gid>]
-D/-d <home directory> [-c <gecos>]
[-t <download bandwidth>] [-T <upload bandwidth>]
[-n <max number of files>] [-N <max Mbytes>]
[-q <upload ratio>] [-Q <download ratio>]
[-r <allow client ip>/<mask>] [-R <deny client ip>/<mask>]
[-i <allow local ip>/<mask>] [-I <deny local ip>/<mask>]
[-y <max number of concurrent sessions>]
[-z <hhmm>-<hhmm>] [-m]
pure-pw usermod <login> -f <passwd file> -u <uid> [-g <gid>]
-D/-d <home directory> -[c <gecos>]
[-t <download bandwidth>] [-T <upload bandwidth>]
[-n <max number of files>] [-N <max Mbytes>]
[-q <upload ratio>] [-Q <download ratio>]
[-r <allow client ip>/<mask>] [-R <deny client ip>/<mask>]
[-i <allow local ip>/<mask>] [-I <deny local ip>/<mask>]
[-y <max number of concurrent sessions>]
[-z <hhmm>-<hhmm>] [-m]
pure-pw userdel <login> [-f <passwd file>] [-m]
pure-pw passwd <login> [-f <passwd file>] [-m]
pure-pw show <login> [-f <passwd file>]
pure-pw mkdb [<puredb database file> [-f <passwd file>]]
[-F <puredb file>]
pure-pw list [-f <passwd file>]
-d <home directory> : chroot user (recommended)
-D <home directory> : don't chroot user
-<option> '' : set this option to unlimited
-m : also update the /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb database
For a 1:10 ratio, use -q 1 -Q 10
To allow access only between 9 am and 6 pm, use -z 0900-1800
pure-pw --help (return code: 0)
Usage :
pure-pw useradd <login> [-f <passwd file>] -u <uid> [-g <gid>]
-D/-d <home directory> [-c <gecos>]
[-t <download bandwidth>] [-T <upload bandwidth>]
[-n <max number of files>] [-N <max Mbytes>]
[-q <upload ratio>] [-Q <download ratio>]
[-r <allow client ip>/<mask>] [-R <deny client ip>/<mask>]
[-i <allow local ip>/<mask>] [-I <deny local ip>/<mask>]
[-y <max number of concurrent sessions>]
[-z <hhmm>-<hhmm>] [-m]
pure-pw usermod <login> -f <passwd file> -u <uid> [-g <gid>]
-D/-d <home directory> -[c <gecos>]
[-t <download bandwidth>] [-T <upload bandwidth>]
[-n <max number of files>] [-N <max Mbytes>]
[-q <upload ratio>] [-Q <download ratio>]
[-r <allow client ip>/<mask>] [-R <deny client ip>/<mask>]
[-i <allow local ip>/<mask>] [-I <deny local ip>/<mask>]
[-y <max number of concurrent sessions>]
[-z <hhmm>-<hhmm>] [-m]
pure-pw userdel <login> [-f <passwd file>] [-m]
pure-pw passwd <login> [-f <passwd file>] [-m]
pure-pw show <login> [-f <passwd file>]
pure-pw mkdb [<puredb database file> [-f <passwd file>]]
[-F <puredb file>]
pure-pw list [-f <passwd file>]
-d <home directory> : chroot user (recommended)
-D <home directory> : don't chroot user
-<option> '' : set this option to unlimited
-m : also update the /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb database
For a 1:10 ratio, use -q 1 -Q 10
To allow access only between 9 am and 6 pm, use -z 0900-1800