ptxas --version (return code: 0)
ptxas: NVIDIA (R) Ptx optimizing assembler
Copyright (c) 2005-2016 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Sun_Sep__4_22:13:53_CDT_2016
Cuda compilation tools, release 8.0, V8.0.44
ptxas --help (return code: 0)
Usage : ptxas [options] <ptx file>,...
--abi-compile <yes|no> (-abi)
Enable/Disable the compiling of functions using ABI.
Default value: 'yes'.
--allow-expensive-optimizations <true|false> (-allow-expensive-optimizations)
Enable (disable) to allow compiler to perform expensive optimizations
using maximum available resources (memory and compile-time).
If unspecified default behavior is to enable this feature for optimization
level >= O2.
--compile-only (-c)
Generate relocatable object.
--def-load-cache (-dlcm)
Default cache modifier on global/generic load.
Default value: 'ca'.
--def-store-cache (-dscm)
Default cache modifier on global/generic store.
--device-debug (-g)
Generate debug information for device code.
--device-function-maxrregcount <archmax/archmin/N> (-func-maxrregcount)
When compiling with -c (--compile-only) option, specify the maximum number
of registers that device functions can use. This option is ignored for whole-program
compilation and does not affect registers used by entry functions. For device
functions, this option overrides the value specified by -maxrregcount option.
If neither device-function-maxrregcount nor maxrregcount is specified, then
no maximum is assumed.
Note: Under certain situations, static device functions can safely inherit
a higher register count from the caller entry function. In such cases, PTXAS
may apply the higher count for compiling the static function.
Value less than the minimum registers required by ABI will be bumped up by
the compiler to ABI minimum limit.
This option is a BETA feature.
--disable-optimizer-constants (-disable-optimizer-consts)
Disable use of optimizer constant bank.
--disable-warnings (-w)
Inhibit all warning messages.
--dont-merge-basicblocks (-no-bb-merge)
Normally, ptxas attempts to merge consecutive basic blocks as part of its
optization process. However, for debuggable code this is very confusing.
This option prevents basic block merging, at a slight perfomance cost.
--entry <entry function>,... (-e)
Entry function name.
--fmad <true|false> (-fmad)
Enables (disables) the contraction of floating-point multiplies and
adds/subtracts into floating-point multiply-add operations (FMAD, FFMA,
or DFMA).
Default value: 1.
--force-load-cache (-flcm)
Force specified cache modifier on global/generic load.
--force-store-cache (-fscm)
Force specified cache modifier on global/generic store.
--generate-line-info (-lineinfo)
Generate line-number information for device code.
--gpu-name <gpu name> (-arch)
Specify name of NVIDIA GPU to generate code for. This option also takes virtual
compute architectures, in which case code generation is suppressed. This
can be used for parsing only.
Allowed values for this option: 'compute_20','compute_30','compute_32',
Default value: 'sm_20'.
--help (-h)
Print this help information on this tool.
--input-as-string <ptx string>,... (-ias)
This option allows ptx modules to be passed directly as strings instead of
via files. It can be used for simple runtime support, or when it is somehow
not desired to pass the ptx string via the file system.
--machine <bits> (-m)
Specify 32-bit vs. 64-bit host architecture.
Allowed values for this option: 32,64.
Default value: 64.
--maxrregcount <archmax/archmin/N> (-maxrregcount)
Specify the maximum amount of registers that GPU functions can use. Until
a function- specific limit, a higher value will generally increase the performance
of individual GPU threads that execute this function. However, because thread
registers are allocated from a global register pool on each GPU, a higher
value of this option will also reduce the maximum thread block size, thereby
reducing the amount of thread parallelism. Hence, a good maxrregcount value
is the result of a trade-off.
If this option is not specified, then no maximum is assumed.
Value less than the minimum registers required by ABI will be bumped up by
the compiler to ABI minimum limit.
--opt-level <N> (-O)
Specify optimization level.
Default value: 3.
--options-file <file>,... (-optf)
Include command line options from specified file.
--output-file <file> (-o)
Specify name of output file.
Default value: 'elf.o'.
--preserve-relocs (-preserve-relocs)
This option will make PTXAS to generate relocatable references for variables
and preserve relocations generated for them in linked executable.
--return-at-end (-ret-end)
Normally, ptxas optimizes return instructions at the end of the program.
However, for debuggable code this causes problems setting breakpoint at the
end. This option prevents ptxas from optimizing this last return instruction.
--sp-bounds-check (-sp-bounds-check)
Generate stack-pointer bounds-checking code sequence. This option is turned
on automatically when device-debug (-g) or opt-level(-O) 0 is specified.
--suppress-double-demote-warning (-suppress-double-demote-warning)
Suppress the warning that is otherwise emitted when a double precision instruction
is encountered in PTX that is targeted for an SM version that does not have
double precision support.
--verbose (-v)
Enable verbose mode which prints code generation statistics.
--version (-V)
Print version information on this tool.
--warn-on-double-precision-use (-warn-double-usage)
Warning if double(s) are used in an instruction.
--warn-on-local-memory-usage (-warn-lmem-usage)
Warning if local memory is used.
--warn-on-spills (-warn-spills)
Warning if registers are spilled to local memory.
--warning-as-error (-Werror)
Make all warnings into errors.