ptune --version (return code: 0) 1.11 for use with
ptune --help (return code: 0)
Auto Creating config file /root/.ivtvrc... 1.11 for use with
Usage: [--channel CHANNEL] [--input VIDEO_DEV]
[--freqtable FREQENCY MAP] [--frequency FREQUENCY]
[--profile PROFILE] [--list-freqtable] [--list-channels]
[--tuner-num TUNERNUM] [--help] [--version] [--debug]
-c/--channel CHANNEL: channel number to switch to
NOTE: You can also specify the channel by itself.
Ex. 73
would change to channel 73 using the default settings
or the settings from your ~/.ivtvrc config file.
-d/--input VIDEO_DEV: video device to work with
-f/--freqtable FREQUENCY MAP: Specify the frequency mapping to use.
-F/--frequency FREQUENCY: Specify the frequency to tune to.
ex. 517250 = NTSC Cable 73 (SCiFi)
--tuner-num TUNERNUM: Specify the tuner to use.
-L/--list-freqtable: list all available frequency mappings that
Video::Frequencies knows
--list-channels: lists all channels and their frequencies for the
specified frequency table being used.
-P/--profile PROFILE: Override defaults and command line values with the
config entries in the section labeled [PROFILE] from the
config file /root/.ivtvrc.
Examples: -P NTSC, -P 22
You can specify this option multiple times and each successive
profile will overlay the defaults and any previous profiles.
-h/--help: display this help
-v/--version: display the version of this program
--debug: turns on debug output
If you specify both -c/--channel and -F/--frequency
then -F/--frequency will take precedence.
--channel 4 --input /dev/video0 --freqtable ntsc-cable --tuner-num 0
config file = '/root/.ivtvrc'
Note: This script relies on Perl Modules: Video::Frequencies, Video::ivtv,
Config::IniFiles and Getopt::Long.