pto_var -V (return code: 1)
pto_var: unrecognized option '--version'
pto_var --help (return code: 0)
pto_var: change image variables inside pto files
pto_var version 2017.0.0.eac5e8cc546e
Usage: pto_var [options] --opt|--link|--unlink|--set varlist input.pto
-o, --output=file.pto Output Hugin PTO file. Default: <filename>_var.pto
-h, --help Shows this help
--opt varlist Change optimizer variables
--modify-opt Modify the existing optimizer variables
(without pto_var will start with an
empty variables set)
--opt=y,p,r Optimize yaw, pitch and roll of all images
(special treatment for anchor image applies)
--opt=v0,b2 Optimize hfov of image 0 and barrel distortion
of image 2
--opt=v,!v0 Optimize field of view for all images except
for the first image
--opt=!a,!b,!c Don't optimise distortion (works only with
switch --modify-opt together)
--link varlist Link given variables
--link=v3 Link hfov of image 3
--link=a1,b1,c1 Link distortions parameter for image 1
--unlink varlist Unlink given variables
--unlink=v5 Unlink hfov for image 5
--unlink=a2,b2,c2 Unlink distortions parameters for image 2
--set varlist Sets variables to new values
--set=y0=0,r0=0,p0=0 Resets position of image 0
--set=Vx4=-10,Vy4=10 Sets vignetting offset for image 4
--set=v=20 Sets the field of view to 20 for all images
--set=y=val+20 Increase yaw by 20 deg for all images
--set=v=val*1.1 Increase fov by 10 % for all images
--set=y=i*20 Set yaw to 0, 20, 40, ...
--set-from-file filename Sets variables to new values
It reads the varlist from a file