pto_move -V (return code: 1)
pto_move: unrecognized option '--version'
pto_move --help (return code: 0)
pto_move: move a project file with all images in it
pto_move version 2017.0.0.eac5e8cc546e
Usage: pto_move [options] path1/source.pto path2/dest.pto
Rename project file path1/source.pto to
path2/dest.pto. All images contained in the project will
be moved accordingly.
pto_move [options] sourceFolder destFolder
Moves all project files in the source folder to
the destination folder including all images.
--copy Copy project files and images instead of moving
--recursive Only effective in use case 2. Go recursive in the
the source folder and move all project files with images
to destination folder by maintaining the folder structure
relative to source folder.
--overwrite Overwrite all existing files. Otherwise you will be asked
for each existing file.