pomigrate2 -V (return code: 1)
Usage pomigrate2 [options] <product-old> <product-new> <product-templates>
-F|--use-fuzzy-matching - use fuzzy algorithms when merging to attempt to match strings
-C|--use-compendium - create and use a compendium built from the migrating files
- use an external compendium during the migration
--no-wrap - do not wrap long lines
--locale=lang - set locale for newly born files
-q|--quiet - suppress most output
-p|--pot2po - use pot2po instead of msgmerge to migrate
pomigrate2 --help (return code: 1)
Usage pomigrate2 [options] <product-old> <product-new> <product-templates>
-F|--use-fuzzy-matching - use fuzzy algorithms when merging to attempt to match strings
-C|--use-compendium - create and use a compendium built from the migrating files
- use an external compendium during the migration
--no-wrap - do not wrap long lines
--locale=lang - set locale for newly born files
-q|--quiet - suppress most output
-p|--pot2po - use pot2po instead of msgmerge to migrate