pocompendium -V (return code: 1)
Usage: pocompendium [options] output.po <-d directory(s)|file(s)>
The first parameter is the output file, standard output if the output file is '-'.
Any number of directories may be specified for input files.
--invert|v Creates an inverse compendium with msgid and msgstr swapped
--errors|e Only ouput msg bundles that have errors
--correct|c Only ouput msg bundles that are correctly translated
--ignore-case|i Drops all strings to lowercase
--strip-accel-tilde|-st Strip all tilde (~) accelerator characters
--strip-accel-amp|-sa Strip all ampersand (&) accelerator characters
--strip-accel-under|-su Strip all underscore (_) accelerator characters
pocompendium --help (return code: 1)
Usage: pocompendium [options] output.po <-d directory(s)|file(s)>
The first parameter is the output file, standard output if the output file is '-'.
Any number of directories may be specified for input files.
--invert|v Creates an inverse compendium with msgid and msgstr swapped
--errors|e Only ouput msg bundles that have errors
--correct|c Only ouput msg bundles that are correctly translated
--ignore-case|i Drops all strings to lowercase
--strip-accel-tilde|-st Strip all tilde (~) accelerator characters
--strip-accel-amp|-sa Strip all ampersand (&) accelerator characters
--strip-accel-under|-su Strip all underscore (_) accelerator characters