png2swf --version (return code: 0)
png2swf - part of swftools 0.9.2+git20130725
png2swf --help (return code: 1)
Usage: png2swf [-X width] [-Y height] [-o file.swf] [-r rate] file1.png [file2.png...]
-r , --rate <framerate> Set movie framerate (frames per second)
-o , --output <filename> Set name for SWF output file.
-j , --jpeg <quality> Generate a lossy jpeg bitmap inside the SWF, with a given quality (1-100)
-z , --zlib <zlib> Enable Flash 6 (MX) Zlib Compression
-T , --flashversion Set the flash version to generate
-X , --pixel <width> Force movie width to <width> (default: autodetect)
-Y , --pixel <height> Force movie height to <height> (default: autodetect)
-v , --verbose <level> Set verbose level (0=quiet, 1=default, 2=debug)
-q , --quiet Omit normal log messages, only log errors
-C , --cgi For use as CGI- prepend http header, write to stdout
-V , --version Print version information and exit
-s , --scale <percent> Scale image to <percent>% size.