pkcs15-tool -V (return code: 1)
No smart card readers found.
No Git revision info available
pkcs15-tool --help (return code: 2)
pkcs15-tool: unrecognized option '--help'
Usage: pkcs15-tool [OPTIONS]
--version Print OpenSC package version
--list-info List card information
--list-applications List the on-card PKCS#15 applications
-r, --read-certificate <arg> Read certificate with ID <arg>
-c, --list-certificates List certificates
-R, --read-data-object <arg> Reads data object with OID, applicationName or label <arg>
--raw Outputs raw 8 bit data to stdout. File output will not be affected by this, it always uses raw mode.
-C, --list-data-objects List data objects
--list-pins List PIN codes
--list-secret-keys List secret keys
-s, --short Output lists in compact format
-D, --dump List all card objects
-u, --unblock-pin Unblock PIN code
--change-pin Change PIN or PUK code
-k, --list-keys List private keys
--list-public-keys List public keys
--read-public-key <arg> Reads public key with ID <arg>
--read-ssh-key <arg> Reads public key with ID <arg>, outputs ssh format
--rfc4716 Outputs the public key in RFC 4716 format (requires --read-ssh-key)
-T, --test-update Test if the card needs a security update
-U, --update Update the card with a security update
--reader <arg> Uses reader number <arg>
--pin <arg> Specify PIN
--new-pin <arg> Specify New PIN (when changing or unblocking)
--puk <arg> Specify Unblock PIN
--verify-pin Verify PIN after card binding (without 'auth-id' the first non-SO, non-Unblock PIN will be verified)
--test-session-pin Equivalent to --verify-pin with additional session PIN generation
-o, --output <arg> Outputs to file <arg>
--no-cache Disable card caching
--clear-cache Clear card caching
-a, --auth-id <arg> The auth ID of the PIN to use
--aid <arg> Specify AID of the on-card PKCS#15 application to bind to (in hexadecimal form)
-w, --wait Wait for card insertion
-v, --verbose Verbose operation. Use several times to enable debug output.
--use-pinpad Do not prompt the user; if no PINs supplied, pinpad will be used.