pgm2txt version (return code: 0)
Using /usr/share/subtitleripper/gocrfilter_none.sed to filter gocr output
creating directory ./db/
creating empty file ./db//db.lst
File version*.pgm not found
File version*.pgm.gz not found
pgm2txt --help (return code: 1)
pgm2txt [-v] [-d] [-f {en|fr|none}] pgm_base_name
pgm_base_name are the common first letters of your
subtitle pgm files. E.g. "my_movie" if all your pgm files
are matched by "my_movie*.pgm"
-f lang You can optionally specify a language filter
using this option. Currently English,
French and German are supported.
lang = {en|fr|de|none}
default: none
-v View the pgm-file while GOCR is converting
-d Use GOCR options for "database only" mode
Convert PGM files with english language filter and
view the PGM while GOCR is converting
pgm2txt -v -f en my_movie
Version: 0.13