pbuilder -V (return code: 1)
pbuilder - a personal builder
Copyright 2001-2007 Junichi Uekawa
Distributed under GNU Public License version 2 or later
pbuilder [operation] [pbuilder-options]
pdebuild [pdebuild-options] -- [pbuilder-options]
command lines operations:
pbuilder create [--basetgz base.tgz-path] [--distribution sid|experimental|...]
Creates a base.tgz
pbuilder update [--basetgz base.tgz-path] [--distribution sid|experimental|...]
Updates a base.tgz
pbuilder build [--basetgz base.tgz-path] pbuilder_2.2.0-1.dsc
Builds using the base.tgz. Requires a .dsc filename
pbuilder clean
Cleans the temporal build directory.
pbuilder login
Opens a shell into a throw-away chroot.
pbuilder execute -- [script] [script options]
Logs into the build environment and executes "script". The script is copied
into the chroot and invoked.
pbuilder dumpconfig
Dumps configuration information to stdout for debugging.
pbuilder main options:
--basetgz [base.tgz location]
--buildplace [location of build]
--mirror [mirror location]
--othermirror [other mirrors location in apt deb-line format, delimited with | signs]
--http-proxy [proxy]
--distribution [distribution (sid|experimental|...)]
--architecture [architecture]
--components [components]
--buildresult [location-to-copy-build-result]
--aptcache [location of retrieved package files]
--extrapackages [packages-to-add on pbuilder create]
--configfile [configuration file to load]
--hookdir [hook directory]
--debbuildopts [dpkg-buildpackage options]
--logfile [filename to output log]
--aptconfdir [overriding apt config dir]
--timeout [timeout time]
--bindmounts [bind-mount-point]
--debootstrapopts [debootstrap options]
pdebuild-specific pbuilder options:
--debsign-k [keyid]
--pbuilder [builder]
For the full documentation see the manual pages pbuilder(8) and pbuilderrc(5).
pbuilder --help (return code: 0)
pbuilder - a personal builder
Copyright 2001-2007 Junichi Uekawa
Distributed under GNU Public License version 2 or later
pbuilder [operation] [pbuilder-options]
pdebuild [pdebuild-options] -- [pbuilder-options]
command lines operations:
pbuilder create [--basetgz base.tgz-path] [--distribution sid|experimental|...]
Creates a base.tgz
pbuilder update [--basetgz base.tgz-path] [--distribution sid|experimental|...]
Updates a base.tgz
pbuilder build [--basetgz base.tgz-path] pbuilder_2.2.0-1.dsc
Builds using the base.tgz. Requires a .dsc filename
pbuilder clean
Cleans the temporal build directory.
pbuilder login
Opens a shell into a throw-away chroot.
pbuilder execute -- [script] [script options]
Logs into the build environment and executes "script". The script is copied
into the chroot and invoked.
pbuilder dumpconfig
Dumps configuration information to stdout for debugging.
pbuilder main options:
--basetgz [base.tgz location]
--buildplace [location of build]
--mirror [mirror location]
--othermirror [other mirrors location in apt deb-line format, delimited with | signs]
--http-proxy [proxy]
--distribution [distribution (sid|experimental|...)]
--architecture [architecture]
--components [components]
--buildresult [location-to-copy-build-result]
--aptcache [location of retrieved package files]
--extrapackages [packages-to-add on pbuilder create]
--configfile [configuration file to load]
--hookdir [hook directory]
--debbuildopts [dpkg-buildpackage options]
--logfile [filename to output log]
--aptconfdir [overriding apt config dir]
--timeout [timeout time]
--bindmounts [bind-mount-point]
--debootstrapopts [debootstrap options]
pdebuild-specific pbuilder options:
--debsign-k [keyid]
--pbuilder [builder]
For the full documentation see the manual pages pbuilder(8) and pbuilderrc(5).