pas2ut-3.0.2 --VERSION (return code: 0)
Exception at 0000000000426C13: EFOpenError:
Unable to open file "--VERSION".
pas2ut-3.0.2 --help (return code: 0)
Usage : pp2ut [options] inputfile [outputfile]
Where options is one or more of
--test-protected also generate tests for protected class members
--skip-default skip tests for default visibility members
--skip-published skip tests for published members
--skip-public skip tests for public members
--tiopf tiopf tests (default,bounds,required,notify,maxlen)
--skip-property-default generate a default test for each property
--test-property-bounds generate a GetBounds test for each property
--test-property-required generate a Required test for each property
--test-property-notify generate a notify test for each property
--test-property-maxlen generate a maxlen test for each property
--skip-declaration Do not generate declarations for the tests
--skip-implementation Do not generate (empty) implementation for the tests
--skip-fail Skip fail() statement in test implementations
--skip-unit Do not generate a unit
--skip-setup Skip TestCase class Setup() method
--skip-teardown Skip testcase class TearDown() method
--skip-functions Skip tests for functions/procedures
--skip-classes Skip tests for classes
--skip-register Do not generate RegisterTests statement
--singletestclass Use a single test class
--skip-methods Skip tests for methods of classes
--skip-fields Skip tests for fields of classes
--skip-properties Skip tests for properties of classes
--testparentname=name Set the name of the parent class of test classes
--testunitname=name Set the name of the generated unit (default is taken from output file name)
--failmessage=Msg Set the message for the Fail() statement
--unittestclassname=name Set the global unit test class name
--prefix=name Set the prefix for the test names (default is "Test")
--limit=list Specify a comma-separated list of global identifiers for which to generate tests.
--defaultclasstest=list Specify a comma-separated list of default tests for each class
--limit and --defaultclasstest may be specified multiple times.