pas2jni-3.0.2 -V (return code: 1)
Illegal parameter: --version
pas2jni-3.0.2 -H (return code: 0)
Usage: pas2jni-3.0 [options] <unit> [<unit2> <unit3> ...]
-U<path> - Unit search path, semicolon delimited. Wildcards are allowed.
-L<name> - Set output library name.
-P<name> - Set Java package name.
-O<path> - Set output path for Pascal files.
-J<path> - Set output path for Java files.
-D<prog> - Set full path to the "ppudump" program.
-I<list> - Include the list of specified objects in the output. The list is
semicolon delimited. To read the list from a file use -I@<file>
-E<list> - Exclude the list of specified objects from the output. The list is
semicolon delimited. To read the list from a file use -E@<file>
-? - Show this help information.