padsp --version (return code: 0)
Illegal option --
/usr/bin/padsp - redirect OSS audio devices to PulseAudio
/usr/bin/padsp [options] application [arguments]
-h show brief help
-s <host>[:<port>] contact a specific PulseAudio server
-n <name> client name to report to the server
-m <name> stream name to report to the server
-M disable /dev/mixer emulation
-S disable /dev/sndstat emulation
-D disable /dev/dsp emulation
-d enable debug output
padsp --help (return code: 0)
Illegal option --
/usr/bin/padsp - redirect OSS audio devices to PulseAudio
/usr/bin/padsp [options] application [arguments]
-h show brief help
-s <host>[:<port>] contact a specific PulseAudio server
-n <name> client name to report to the server
-m <name> stream name to report to the server
-M disable /dev/mixer emulation
-S disable /dev/sndstat emulation
-D disable /dev/dsp emulation
-d enable debug output